Park Place Lodge

why is RCR trying to take 7% before the HST even exists??

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    • #10555

      May 1st 2010, that is the day RCR says it will be charging HST on ski passes (12 % HST=gst+pst)…..what up?
      fear mongering to convince us to buy our passes earlier so that they can invest our $$$ in the markets earlier to make more $$$$ ?
      any other ideas?
      HST is not law….and if it unfortunately is implemented it will not be until July 2010
      can anyone from RCR in Fernie explain this???
      many thanks

    • #18261

      someone explained it on OurFernie:

      "The HST has to be applied to any sales made after May 1st, if the service being purchased will be provided after the July 1st implementation date. Therefore, if you purchase your pass for next year before April 30th, you don’t have to pay the HST that would be due, but if you wait until after May 1st, you do.

      Sounds like they didn’t explain it very well, but it’s not a scam."

      that being said. The HST petition will be rolling around Fernie shortly. Stay tuned for that and be sure you sign it so that you can save 7% on your ski pass for years to come, and 7% on groceries, and bikes, and newspapers, and eating out. etc etc etc.

    • #18262

      i guess i just dont like paying IN CASE there is an HST…….what if the HST dosent happen and i pay an EXTRA 7% for my pass???
      free hot chocolate for life at FAR?
      free skis?

    • #18263

      but guess what the HST is happening… im just saying

    • #18260

      the citizens initiative petition bill states that when the HST is cancelled that any additional HST charged on previously PST exempt items will be distributed evenly to all british columbians.

      so, in a few months when the HST is repealed we will all get our money back.

    • #18259

      Distributed evenly? What the… It should be distributed by how much you paid in. Sounds like some kind of wealth redistribution scheme to me.

    • #18264

      You’re dreaming if you think the HST is going to be repealed…not a chance, get used to it.

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