Park Place Lodge

Weekend Warrior Needs a place to sleep!

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    • #9597

      I am a female from Calgary, and I pretty much Ski Fernie every weekend, a couple of weeks at Christmas, and if possible a week or so mid season.
      I normally stay at the hostel, but times have changed.
      So really I’m looking for a place to occasionally crash, mostly weekends. I’m clean, honest (I don’t steal), and sociable. Don’t mind parties, but I’m not a hard-core party-er (I only get 2 days a week to ski, so I make them worth while!). At times I may or may not bring a friend with me, but advance warning would be given.
      If you have couch you’d like to lend out once in a while, I’ll trade you your couch for a case of beer.
      Or if you have a spare room then perhaps we can make some sort of arrangement for a fixed rate or something, then at least I know that I have some where to sleep. (however, I’m not looking to pay a full months rent for a room I’m only going to use on the weekend)

      So if you’re looking for some extra $$ or a case a beer from time to time, let me know if this could work for you


    • #17423

      Have a room I can rent out for some Weekends.

      call 250 529 7784 to find out more.

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