Wanted: used Fat skis

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  • Author
    • #8518
      sway z

      Hi, I’m looking for skis with the following specs. 165-175 cm length. 98-120 mm underfoot. $500 including bindings. $350 no including bindings.

      If you’ve upgraded, or torn your acl, or just dont need skis like these anymore, give me a shout

      Thanks, Matthew

      matthew.nunavut@gmail.com :D

    • #16517

      I have these head Mad tricks mojo’s, the messurements are size are 172cm
      sidecut: 112-79-106mm
      so if your intrested they come with bindings. Also my buddy has the 2006 seth pistol by K2 if you want me to chech that out? Check out my post, should be there.

    • #16518

      How much for the seth pistols? Do they have bindings?

    • #16519

      How much for the seth pistols?

    • #16520

      Hey. I have a pair of this years Line Sir Francis Bacons. I would sell them for $600. I’ve rode them about 5 times and they aren’t what I’m looking for. Eric Pollards all mountain ski. In mint condition. No base scraches and only a couple of nicks on the side. let me know?

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