WANTED: House for rent

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    • #11807

      Two of my co-workers and I are looking for a pet friendly house or condo to rent in the Elkford/Sparwood/Hosmer/Fernie area. Our electrical company – ABB Ber-Mac -has a contract with one of the mines in Elkford until sometime in June, and will likely have many more contracts to follow. We all live and work in Edmonton right now and both my wife and I are looking to settle in down there for good. We have two dogs and she would be visiting off and on as we are doing a full renovation to our house here that will be hopefully listing it in April. She is currently seeking work in Elkford and Sparwood as well with her start date pending on the sale of our house. I can tell you that we are all very clean, responsible people, and would be ideal tenants for someone. I can say that confidently as I am a landlord myself. Anyway, we will be down in Elkford Sunday night and are currently booked into the HiRock Inn until we find something better. We’d be interested in anything pet friendly, three bedrooms or more, and a backyard would be great. The closer to Elkford the better, and obviously the lease will be the biggest point of interest for both parties. I’d be willing to sign a lease starting Sunday March 13th, until May 1st followed by month to month with a minimum of 30 days notice if we decide to leave. If the house is perfect, in the perfect location and all goes as planned for my wife and I, when the other two leave we’d be interested in keeping the lease. Our price point is between 800 and 2000 dollars per month. Thank you so much for your time and I look forward to hearing from you. Oh, and feel free to call me at home or on my cell phone.

      Yours Truly,

      Brandon Nielsen

      Home #: 780 488 0196
      Cell #: 587 588 9063

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