Park Place Lodge

Wanted : 2 bedroom house

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    • #24432

      Hi there. I am a 35 year old single mom with a 2 1/2 year old daughter and a 13 year old dog. We currently live in our home in Golden but must leave within the next month or 2. I am looking for a pet friendly and child friendly house with garden space. At least 2 bedrooms. I am responsible and quiet. Looking for a fresh start for myself and my daughter. I lived in fernie 12 years ago and fell in love with it. Since then I have lived in Canmore for 7 years and Calgary for 2 while I finished my schooling, I have great references for myself and my dog. I have lived in my own house for the last 3 years. I am currently self employed and have financial resources. I love gardening and yard work so I am very interested in a space that has this option. I will treat your property as it is my own. I am unsure of my budget at the moment, obviously being a single mom the less money I can spend the better life I can try to start for us. I am open to all options at the moment.
      Thanks for taking the time to read this.

    • #24433

      Quirky old character houses or cabins are also an option 🙂 I’m not looking for a high end renovated place….but would prefer not to have a suite as I can’t really control a 2 year olds out bursts of screeching laughing and tantrums 🙂

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