Trying to find skis lost on the back of a truck

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    • #7539

      I got a lift down from the mountain today (tuesday) around 1pm. The driver dropped me off at the raging elk hostel where i’m staying just now, but drove off before I could get my skis (blue rossignol bandits) out from the back.
      The driver was a young guy, probably mid-late 20s, with longish blond hair. He said he worked as a builder in Fernie, and drove a large dark blue Dodge pick up truck with high wheels (sorry I can’t be any more specific)
      If anyone knows who this guy might be or how I might be able to get in touch with him it would be much appreciated.

    • #15783

      Your description sounds like a chap that hangs at Freshies named Ben.

      Just a guess?Ç‚Äìgoodluck!@

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