The people fighting on this post are losers
- This topic has 38 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 11 months ago by
January 11, 2007 at 5:38 am #6618
Participantthese guys are losers.
January 11, 2007 at 3:50 pm #14969
ParticipantDid anyone else see the herd (about 10 or 12) of deer on 7th ave last night at about 11.30pm? Deer in the downtown or annex are certainly not unusual, but I’ve never seen that many so close to the highway before.
Obviously not such a threat as cougars, but I’m glad to see our local wildlife thriving!
January 12, 2007 at 7:50 pm #14970
Participant"adventuresource" wrote:I have seen more cougars in the last week than I have in my life.Which bar were they in?
February 12, 2007 at 11:15 pm #14971
Participantthats good to here, maybe the canadians are starting to realise how much destruction they have done to their wildlife and eased off on the hunting. i wonder how long that will last???
February 13, 2007 at 12:07 am #14972
Participantgo home aussie and look after your famous reef…..boy is that a shit whole now, ….to bad you sold out
February 13, 2007 at 7:09 pm #14973
Participanthey dont worry red neck if it wasnt for your snow do think any aussie would come here. we live in the best country on the planet. and as soon as your snow melts thats exactly where i will be heading…home. and dont worry about the reef its sweet compared to the destruction you and your stupid american neighbours are doing to the forests and wildlife. just go stand out on the highway for a few minutes and count how many logging trucks pass, full to the top. if it moves shoot it right… neck wake up!! just think in three months you will be shovelling melting snow off your driveway and i will be surfing every day on a beautiful beach in the WARM sun…mmmm
February 14, 2007 at 12:28 am #14974
Participantyour country you mean chinas country they out #er there, not to mention you logged your country years ago, your little home land is on fire and should be one of the first to go once global warming sets in , that will be one great B.b.Q watch another aussie catch on fire, lol, soon that whole little island will be surounded by Jellyfish so enjoy the surf while you can digger
February 14, 2007 at 12:39 am #14975
Participantno to mention your leader Howard , hell maybe alla will lite you up…it would suck to be surrounded by 300million , oh ya Go Para
February 14, 2007 at 2:26 am #14976
Participantyou can never win this argument, i live in australia, you live in canada. admit it you would kill to live their, or maybe not i guess we dont have as many fast food joints as you and your fat neighbours, you might miss that. oh and your not allowed a gun either you would definatly miss that wouldnt you red neck…….hey ma…..go parra are you kidding but i guess you would fit in out their..westy
March 2, 2007 at 5:15 am #14977
ParticipantWell Manly, you say we Canadians have caused so much damage to our wildlife. Where are you from? And what are you doing here? And where exactly are you getting your facts from? Better check your sources and do your homework before you start spittin.
March 2, 2007 at 5:22 am #14978
ParticipantOh Manly, i should have read further before posting my last comment, you are in my town, in my country, throwing stones Mate, you aussies seem to have a serious ego problem, strange how the descendents of english criminals could become such big know-it-alls. Go home to kangaroo land, and get your head out of your ass. Cheers Mate
March 2, 2007 at 6:30 am #14979
ParticipantHey Manly
I lived in Oz for 3 years but I chose to make Fernie my home, and I’ve been here a lot longer now than I was there. As you’ve obviously never been here in the summer, don’t bag something you know nothing about. The summers here are awesome, and as hot as any day in Sydney. We got lakes and rivers for swimming and tubing, and mountains for hiking and biking. This area has one of the world’s only growing grizzly populations, so I think we are doing just fine there.
When I was in Oz I took several trips down to the snow and I seem to remember seeing a ton of Roos, wallabies and other wildlife either shot (from what I remember it’s kind of a sport down there to drive down the highway in your ute shooting at the wildlife) or blasted all to hell off the front of someone’s bull bars.
And for the record, I’ve been to Manly, it’s a crappy little seaside joint (with plenty of fast food joints!) and I never once saw a sea-eagle. And there’s a ton more aussies here in Fernie and all across the rest of Canada, than there ever was Canadians in Oz, so I’d stop suggesting that we all want to live there, coz if it was true then we would have gone by now!
Ya don’t like it here, bugger off home!
March 2, 2007 at 11:14 pm #14980
Participantha ha seems iv hit a nerve, to easy…
March 3, 2007 at 12:23 am #14981
The only thing you’ve hit is a losing streak. That’s just typical aussie, trying to make out like you were just out to wind people up when you start to lose the argument. The thing is, as was pointed out before, you are here, in Fernie, having an awesome time, and just like us you chose to be here. When you leave, we will all still be here, still having an awesome time, because we all love it here year round. People travel the world to find somewhere like Fernie to settle down. A lot of those people go to Oz on their journey, but the truth is most of them leave too. Try to appreciate what you have and where you are, and give the locals a little respect, cos you’re never gonna win this battle here in Fernie – we just love our little town too much.
March 3, 2007 at 2:14 am #14982
Participantnah mate aussies always win, and always will, no matter what you say so beat it red neck…i win
March 3, 2007 at 7:54 am #14983
Participant“I win” – oh please!!!! Are you old enough to have your own passport?
March 3, 2007 at 4:55 pm #14984
Participantleave it alone manly-seaeagle, you are giving aussies a bad rep! Canada has its good points and bad, just like Australia. I am an Australian, living here now year-round in Fernie. I love it here, and I also love my home country. Enjoy the rest of the winter.
March 3, 2007 at 5:50 pm #14985
Participantwatch them cougers
March 4, 2007 at 4:45 am #14986
ParticipantOh Manly, Manly when will you learn that you will never out smart or out talk a Local, give it a rest Mate, ya ya we all know Aussie this and Aussie that your the shit ya ya, your country rocks this and that. Then what are you doing here? It doesn’t add up if you don’t like it here or the locals and have nothing nice to say then go home we won’t miss ya Mate. And as for the word redneck, is this the new word in your limited vocabulary, and do you have a problem with rednecks or did you want to meet us somewhere and have a discussion about things or are you a chicken shit, back up your mouth Aussie boy, your not in kansas anymore.
March 4, 2007 at 5:24 am #14987
Participantgo manly!
March 6, 2007 at 12:35 am #14988
ParticipantCougar got your tongue Man Man
March 8, 2007 at 2:34 am #14989
Participantgo you mighty sea eagles
March 8, 2007 at 7:30 pm #14990
Participantah i see you have bitten off more than you can chew, back peddling boy. Little outta your league Man Man.
March 8, 2007 at 9:20 pm #14991
Participantout of my league you`v got nothing im all over you kootney hore.
March 9, 2007 at 3:44 am #14992
ParticipantFor god sakes Man Man if your gonna insult someone at least you can do is learn to spell it proper, i think what you were trying to call me was WHORE Dumb ASS, not hore, maybe when you go back to Kangaroo land you can go back to elementary school and brush up on your spelling MATE.
March 9, 2007 at 6:14 am #14993
Participantwhat about your spelling dumb arse its kootenay not kootney, maybe you need to go back to school as well here in hicksville. watch them coogars eeehhi…
March 10, 2007 at 1:00 am #14994
ParticipantThis seems to be an on going battle of insults. I have not been able to post a reply as something was wrong with my account until today, but have been reading this bickering. I have been a member for a couple years now and enjoy seeing what people have to say. I am not a local to fernie, no, just been here a few years, I do live with a local who was born in the hospital where the Pub now stands.
I am not a “redneck’ or a “hippy” or whatever names there may be, but I do have opions on what ” manly-seaeagle” has to say. I am not wanting an insulting reply, but your knowledge or should I say lack there of in regard to BC’s logging industry and hunting laws is quite limited.“and dont worry about the reef its sweet compared to the destruction you and your stupid american neighbours are doing to the forests and wildlife. just go stand out on the highway for a few minutes and count how many logging trucks pass, full to the top. if it moves shoot it right… neck wake up!!” This is your quote.
BC has limited entry hunting draws, for the exact reason as to not deplete the animals. We know what is plentiful and what is not, and these laws enforce that and make sure no permant damage is done. As for logging , well we are taking the beetle infested trees, and yes some others are included. DO you have any knowledge of the forestry industry? Yah, stand on the highway and watch the trucks go by full of beetle infested wood. It would otherwise will in the forest and die anyhow or be a huge wildfire hazard in the future. As well in the summer the trees that are still green, well the little bugger inside will wake up and fly to MORE tress, causing MORE destruction.When we log areas we are obligated to reforst them. It is also a law. The beetle is beyond anyones control, so don’t bicker to me about that. I am sure you have pests that destroy things on your continent as well, that are out of control. I have pictures of ares that have been clearcut logged and now are beautiful forests again. I grew up on a ranch and my dad shot out meat. I see a gazillion other wild game ALL THE TIME. Also if you must know, I think we NEED to shhot more elk as they cause quite a lot of problems on trees as well. They eat seedling you see…This could be a never ending argument, but I will end it there. I will be enjoying a beer tonight at the Fernie, and will put my money where my mouth is, if you have any other unresearched comments you wish to discuss. Just look foer the long blonde hair. Take care. I do hope you have a wonderful time surfing in the hot sun when you return home. Just please don’t throw insults out about things you obvoisly do not know about. Oh and if I have any SPELLING what. -
March 10, 2007 at 1:07 am #14995
Participantwell said, still go manly
March 10, 2007 at 4:54 pm #14996
ParticipantNicely said Gumbootgal
March 10, 2007 at 9:50 pm #14997
ParticipantThis has just become a case of who can get the last word.
I think we need to LET “un-manly” have the last word, so he can see his login name on the website for as long as possible. He obviously doesn’t have anything else to say, so by LETTING him have the last word, he might shut up. If you continue to post messages, he’s just going to do the same and it’ll be a battle of wills as to who can be bothered keeping it up the longest.
By LETTING him have the last post, we know that if he posts, it’s only to see his name on here again. If he doesn’t it’s because he doesn’t want to do it just because we LET him. He has nothing to say anyway, so it doesn’t matter either way, just let it go.
March 13, 2007 at 12:35 am #14998
Participantsmoke me…..
March 22, 2007 at 4:49 pm #14999
ParticipantSomewhere in Australia there’s a village missing an idiot.
March 25, 2007 at 5:34 pm #15000
Participantsomewhere in fernie their is a douchebag australian running a muck, so lock up your daughters eeeeehi and watch out for coogars and squirrels.
April 6, 2007 at 4:39 pm #15001
ParticipantHow many times do we have do say it go home! And Canadians will always win!
April 7, 2007 at 12:57 am #15002
Participantbeat it maggots
April 7, 2007 at 6:34 pm #15003
ParticipantI know people are not re-plying messages anymore because
manly-seaeagle won’t shut up, but i just need to say something. What are you still doing here? Thank god that the Fernie Alpine Resort is going to close on Sunday, April 15, 2007, SO YOU CAN GO HOME!
I found something about Australia, its called five bad things about Australia:1. Flies
Without doubt the worst thing about Sydney – every time you venture into a park the flies descend and start to annoy. From my limited knowledge of flying insects, they seem to be large fruit flies – which makes me wonder what part of me they confuse with fruit. Evidently it’s the face, as these pests have the habit of going for your eyes, nose, or ears. You wave them away, and they fly to another part of your face. I’ve found through experience that after four or five landings, they fly off – so you just have to keep swishing. There’s no chance of swatting them. Maybe a hat with corks in in the answer. Hmm….2. Bank charges
Banks over here have some nerve – they charge you for keeping your money, and then charge you for giving it back. My typical account has a $5 monthly fee. Also I have 15 free ‘transactions’ a month (ATM withdrawals, counter services) – after that you get charged 60c for each ‘transaction’. My rent goes out of my account via direct debit – except each time that happens I get charged $1.80. OK – these amounts are hardly a lot – but it’s the principle.3. The heat
I think I’ve covered this – I’ll just say that last night the temperature at midnight was 25C and that it reached 30C at 10:30am this morning. I think you get the picture4. TV schedules
Very odd this – it must be a nightmare for people trying to set the timer on a VCR. Sometimes programmes start up to ten minutes early, and some finish later than in the TV guides. There are no explanations for this. Sometimes random news or sports updates are added. A programme will start, and immediately after the opening credits will go to an ad-break. Similarly there’s always an ad-break with about a minute to go before the programme ends, which can be great if there’s a cliff-hanger ending.5. Australians
April 7, 2007 at 7:06 pm #15004
ParticipantTo be fair, you have to admit that for all of those points you could have been talking about Fernie…
Flies are terrible here in the summer too…
Bank charges are almost identical to what you describe…
Heat…have you been here in late July? 30+ is normal. The benefit here though is the lack of humidity. I can handle the heat here (well, when it starts heading for 40 I get a little sick of it), but when it hits 30+ over in Sydney the humidity is over 90% and you feel like you are standing in a hot shower all day. It’s exhausting.
TV…ads, ads, ads, exactly the same. Takes 3.5 hours to watch a movie.
Aussies…well, I think un-manly has proven that they just turn up everywhere, even being in Fernie you can’t avoid them!!! (They’re not all bad though… -
April 11, 2007 at 10:59 pm #15005
Participantcanadians, americans…..same sh1t different smell…..cant wait to leave this bog hole..
April 12, 2007 at 1:40 am #15006
ParticipantI can not wait until summer. It means that I dont have to read your incredibly boring remarks! Please dont ever come back! You definetly give Aussies a bad name.
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