Stolen Townie Bike

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    • #7113

      Have you seen Poo-Rocket? She’s my brown 1970s CCM Caprice cruiser, with brown-orange seat and a red lady-bug bell. Taken the night of Sept 4th from 5th st yard. Reward given upon safe return, no questions asked, i’d just like to have her back. Call 278-0411 or Thanks.

    • #15425

      I hope you have checked with the RCMP and made a report as they seem to get tonnes of bikes in.

    • #15426

      Just to add to the last reply. Actually go down to the RCMP on 13th st and look at the bikes that are impounded. I find if you just ask them on the phone they don’t help out much. I called when my bike was stolen in July and didn’t go down there until Sepember and there it was. Tell all your friends to lock em up cause they’ll be gone if you don’t. Fernie isn’t the place it use to be. Most people are just stealing them for a quick ride home. Those bastards should be tortured!!!!

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