Stolen Red iRiver MP3 Player

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    • #7371

      To the person / people who stole my red iRiver MP3 player from my car the other night:

      I believe in Karma and don’t wish bad things to happen to people, but believing in it means I know that your actions will eventually come back on you. I was speaking to my neighbors this morning, who had 3 of their cars broken into, and none of us appreciate you violating our personal space and taking what doesn’t belong to you. You are a loser.

      I realize that this sounds harsh, but eventually it will come back to you, so you may want to be prepared, as your small acts against others may come back to you in one big act.

      I hope you enjoy my MP3 player. The music on it is very eclectic and I know that I did enjoy it for the time I had it. It has caused me a minor inconvenience, but I’m sure I’ll get over it. But, the next time that you need help and there is a stranger there willing to lend a hand, I hope it crosses your mind that this might be someone you have stolen from and yet they are still a good enough person to help others.

      Karma Karma Karma – even if you don’t believe in it, one day it will make you!

    • #15674

      What part of town did the vandal strike?

      It’s that time of year – keep your items hidden and locked.

      Once everyone’s working and riding the scum factor usually decreases.

    • #15675

      We are across from Rotary Park, and now have had people littering, using our lawn as a toilet (animals in bad enough, but I’m referring to people) and now theft! Hopefully these people will get what’s coming to them!!!

    • #15676

      you should pick up some old bear traps :twisted:

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