Park Place Lodge

Room for Rent

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    • #6665

      We have a bedroom avail immediatley located in the Airport, the rent is 375 all included. We have a small dog who is very friendly and all the essential appliances, washer,dryer,tv,computer, internet. Give me a call at 423-2633 my name is Chad. See Ya!

    • #15063

      hey how you doing chad!!
      wondering if your room still available!? i live actually in the airport..but need something for me and my boy!..hes coming over on the 1st of march..from the UK! can you help us? we love Dogs!!
      thank a lot!
      423 5858 or 430 1737

    • #15064

      Ya need room now. I also have small dog, but it just visit, my mom is taking care of him becuase I am working fulltime at Rocky Mountain Villiage, I a cuasual c ook. I work 12 to 8pm so call any other time423-4235 ext 865 Angela or call work 4234214 kitchen. Waiting to here from you. Ang

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