Police Brutality is not an Oxymoron

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    • #6349

      So ….. Aint it sad?
      A guy can’t even enjoy a night out with the guys without being handcuffed and slammed face first onto a cop car.

      The series of unfortunate events that transpired on August 31st will not be forgotten or taken as a moot point.

      The officer was informed of the now happily married grooms state of intoxication by myself, and I am outraged. It was the guys Bachelor Party, and I was taking responsibility for his intoxication. I had not stuttered or slurred my words when I informed the officer of the situation.
      – Therefore the actions taken, If I can be Frank in saying so, were nothing more than a vent of agression performed by a man with a badge.
      I hope when You find someone to tolerate your psycosis, you are treated better by authority than the soon to be groom was at his bachelor party.
      – You should be ashamed of yourself. Maybe offer to by the guy a shot, he was far from loaded and you killed the Vibe and overall atmosphere we had created for ourselves.

      When I tell someone to leave someone alone, usually they listen.
      Sadly, these new officers feel that If they can remove one out of twenty so far civil behaved citizens from a bar at 1am they are in someway serving justice?
      And to continue with a lesson in hypocracy tell others that, “You know Nate!” ???
      Consider this post an example of who Nate is and how I operate. I am a happy go lucky guy, yet am not afraid to speak my mind when people I grew up with and whos families have shaped this town into a safe, fun and enjoyable place to be, get treated in a manner both uncivil and against the code of conduct oath.

      Gladly a member of Victim Services was on hand and is prepared to aid with statement to this case of brute force, and uncalled for an uncivil behaviour, demonstrated by a person our taxes keep living more comfortable than the peacekeepers in Afganistan.

      I am not meaning to pick a fight, nor was the batchelor. The matter you were on scene to address had been resolved, and you could have got back in your car and found a crime. Instead you demonstrated to locals and visitors how ignorant a person you really are.
      Maybe we need to look into these kinds of actions as to why our town isn’t at the top of everyones vaction list.

      PS. when the two cop cars pulled away they did so without signalling. How does a person recieve a badge when basic driving skills aren’t satisfactory?
      I would have became a cop myself, instead I decided to make some friends and continue grades 8-12.

      Big cities have problems with guns and knives, yet Fernies’ threats
      are so far untangible. But come November the snowball could be considered I guess.

      PSS – When I called you Steve, it wasn’t cuz I didn’t know your name. I called you Steve cause the ludacriss manner you were displaying was nothing less than I could have watched on Jerry Springer.

    • #14728

      Its so true, :lol:

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