Park Place Lodge

please don’t feed the cat

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    • #8154

      Problem Solved.

    • #16172

      It seems to me that the simple solution would be to close your window, or to put Alphonso on a lease. It is not the publics responsibilty to look after your cat. There are likely people in your neighborhood who don’t appreciate a strange cat out for a stroll. We already have enough animals using flower gardens and lawns as washrooms.

    • #16173

      Your cat is constantly roaming around. He has even come into our house at night and eaten our cats food (which by the way is not multi-coloured fish shaped food so he’s obviously doing it elsewhere too). As much as you don’t like your cat getting sick, I don’t like feeding neighbourhood cats. So I suggest if you don’t want your cat eating food that’s going to make him sick, keep him locked up!!!! Oh, and giving him a "pat" and telling him to go home doesn’t work.

    • #16174

      I apologise for my cat eating the food. I have closed the window and only open it two inches for the fresh air. he’s been inside now for 3 days and seems like he’s ready to deal with it. I understand the frustration..

      He shouldn’t be getting outside anymore. Hopefully we’re all talking about the same cat.. black and white is avague description… he is practically all black except the white on his face, like a bandit’s mask with a little beard, small white splotch on his chest.

      I didn’t mean to cause anger in anyone, just wanted to say something about not feeding him, because I thought someone might think he’s a stray and fed him.

      He has more than enough food at home.

      Sorry for any trouble he might have caused.

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