obituary. . .

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    • #5212

      sorry my first topic is a sad one but I’m wondering if there’s any chance of getting hold of an obituary for a childhood friend of mine who recently passed away in Fernie. Gordie Laird was his name, I grew up with him until I moved away from Fernie about 10 years ago. I was deeply saddened from hearing of his passing away but would like to remember him somehow with an obituary. . .could anyone help me out? Thank you.

    • #12936
      "unbendyourmind":fs00hroq wrote:
      sorry my first topic is a sad one but I’m wondering if there’s any chance of getting hold of an obituary for a childhood friend of mine who recently passed away in Fernie. Gordie Laird was his name, I grew up with him until I moved away from Fernie about 10 years ago. I was deeply saddened from hearing of his passing away but would like to remember him somehow with an obituary. . .could anyone help me out? Thank you.[/quote:fs00hroq]

      Nothing in the paper this week. Take a look at or send them an email to request a copy of the edition it appears in. Their phone number is 250-423-4666.

    • #12937

      ahh. i didnt know the free press had a homepage! sweet! thanks very much for the link. . .I’ll be contacting them soon!

      Thanks again! :)

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