Park Place Lodge

Need some extra cash? Got a room?

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    • #12787


      Here is my deal:
      Looking to a rent a room part time. What does that mean?! I live and work in Calgary, but I am in Fernie 2-3 weekends a month skiing. So I am looking to rent out a room at a reduced price for the winter season… makes it easier to just show up in Fernie and not have to worry about accommodations. I have done this in the past, but the room I was renting may no longer be available.

      About me:
      – Fun, social, but respect people’s space
      – I’ll party but not all the time. Don’t do drugs, but don’t judge those who do.
      – Clean, but not OCD about cleanliness… I am more concerned with sanitation.
      – Did I say I was fun? I totally am. And I have awesome corny jokes.
      – Reliable & Trustworthy – I can provide some references if you would like.

      Anyways, if you have a spare room and want some extra cash and think this could work out for you – then send me an email at
      Email is the best form of communication.

      Since I will only be using the room about 25% of the time for the month (2-3 weekends, and a week here and there if I can get the time off work), then I only think its fair to have the rent is also reduced. I’m looking to pay around $250 a month. I am also a patroller at Lake Louise, so I am committed to spending a weekend there once a month. We can work out the details if this works out for you, but I am a fair person and looking for a win-win solution!


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