Park Place Lodge

Need a ride to Cranbrook?

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    • #9653

      So I am going to school in Cranbrook everyday. I leave Fernie really early, no later than 6:30AM Monday to Friday. I know it sucks, I would rather stay in bed, but that’s school. If you need a ride there let me know. I am usually done by 2PM, so you can get all the stuff you need to do and be in town later that afternoon. We can share the gas cost. I am just putting this up just in case someone needs a ride to Cranbrook. I know is super early, but like I said that’s school. Well, if you are interested let me. Xavier at 423-2633

    • #17470

      Hi just wondering if this is still up for grabs, me and my girlfriend are in need of a ride to cranbrook we are living in west fernie. This friday would be ideal but if thats not possible early next week would be great, just let us know.


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