Park Place Lodge

Need 2-4 bedroom house, nov to april

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    • #11278

      We are interested in renting a house. We have two kids (9 and 11 yrs old) and 2 border collies and have just sold our house here in Fernie but won’t have our new place ready until spring sometime. My wife is a teacher and I am semi retired. I am trying to get a place organized this coming week for mid Nov.¬†At our house our dogs are trained to stay in the entry way and it will be the same wherever we live. You could drop by our house to see how it works if that is a concern. We are as no risk, rent on time, clean as it gets as far as renters go being a long term well established fernie family. As with all things price matters and we are looking for under $1500 per mo. Drop me a line if you have something available, is my contact.


      Sent from my iPod

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