Lost in the annex Monday afternoon

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    • #8133

      Hi there. Monday afternoon I lost an orange SPOT satellite locator. It looks like an old walkman but bright orange and in water proof material. I use it for safety out in the backcountry as it transmits off of satellites so it works where there is no cell coverage. It is really important to me but cannot be used by anyone else since it works off of a subscription (like a satellite radio). It fell out of my truck at 4:30ish Monday May 4th between 9th and 10th ave and 7th street. I went back to get it a few minutes after I dropped it and it was gone. Hopefully some nice person picked it up knowing it would be important to someone and is awaiting my message!! Anyway, if you have heard of someone finding something like that, please let me or them know. My name is kori at jkvernier@telus.net. Thanks.

    • #16159

      unfortunately I don’t have any info for you, but was wondering if you could give me some feedback on the transmitter. I’ve been researching into them and the reviews seem to be 50/50 for good and bad, I’ve yet to know of someone who has one I could talk to about it.
      good luck in the hunt

    • #16158

      I have a Spot and carry it on all my travel and recreation adventures where cell phone coverage does not exist. Hwy 22 is a good travel example and the Flathead is a good recreation example. These areas do not have cell coverage and in an emergency can contact 911 for assistance. I also use the OK button to communicate with my family when delayed during travel or recreation. The help button is also great if you require support from friends. The positioning maps will tell everyone contacted exactally where you are located.

      The Spot is a satellite communication and safety device and will save lives in an emergency situation.

      Don’t wait until you need one to think about the purchase, buy it now!

    • #16157

      the SPOT was how first call for help of the Sparwoods 8s rescue was started, i,ve heard they are a good way to go

    • #16160

      I highly recommend SPOT. I know several people who use the SPOT to check-in or get help throughout the Kootenays and it has worked very well. I have heard that around Williams Lake there are areas where it doesn’t work as well but I have never confirmed that myself.

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