Park Place Lodge

Looking for work as of late september

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  • Author
    • #37334
      Theo Clamps

      I’m going to be in Fernie as of late september 2017 and will be looking for work for the foreseeable future. I have experience with manual labour, specifically building/renovating and scaffolding/rigging but have also worked in retail as a bike mechanic/salesperson and as a bottle shop attendant and barman. I’ve also completed an undergraduate and masters degree in marine biology so am literate and have excellent mathematical and computer skills.
      I’m a youngish (24) male and I like to think of myself as friendly and easygoing while also being hard working.
      If you have any work you I may be able to help you with or would like to know more about me/read my resume then please send me a message/reply to this post.


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