looking for a place to stay…-already found a room

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    • #10245

      I’m a 22 years old swedish girl, planning to stay the whole season at this wonderful place.

      I’m active, I love sports and other fun events. I know the importance of respect in a “compact living”, and after worked and traveling all over the world the last years I’m used to live with, and adapt to all kind of people.

      I arrived a few days ago and I’m looking for a job. However, a job is not necessary for me to afford a cheap place to stay, and I may cover the season even without a job.

      I am open for almost any kind of living, that not is too expensive.
      I hope that someone out there knows something that would help a homeless swede:)

      Please email me at: hanna_sjodin_@hotmail.com
      Thank you.
      Hanna Sj??din

    • #18037

      FREE – cable tv
      FREE – laundry facilities
      FREE – utilities

      Private self contained unite.
      Queen bed with all the bedding.
      Kitchenette with dishes etc.
      Mature couple wanted.

      Why pay big $ to live with a bunch of other people and share their kitchen, bathroom, living room etc?

      $500/month *utilities (and privacy) included

      Call 423-2193

    • #18038

      Thank you, sounds good, I am very interested. Where is it located? Is internet included?

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