Locate old Friend

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    • #9529

      I am trying to locate an old friend. Hi name is Reynald McKibblin, and he worked as the public dog catcher/ animal rescue person in the vicintiy of Crows Nest Pass around the years 1980-1983, more or less. I believe he was employed by the municipality of either Fernie or Crows Nest Pass. I know he lived on the Alberta side of Crows Nest Pass because I visited him there in the summer of 1981. Reynald is French Canadian, originally from Quebec. He rescued many dogs , and had a bunch of them out there where he lived.

      So….. If you have any information about Reynald, or, know of anyone there who can provide information as to his whereabouts, please let me know.. This is a friendly request, not a part of any criminal investigation at all.

      I would appreciate any and all information that you can provide.

      Thank you kindly,

      Ted Douglas

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