Park Place Lodge

ISO Truck Camper Parking + Power + Wifi + maybe more

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    • #46239

      Hello Friends,

      My wife and I are looking into a season of skiing. We live full time in our truck camper and work freelance online, it looks kinda like this.

      Here’s what we’re looking for:

      1. Flat spot to park the camper and take it off the truck. If it’s almost flat, we can level it out with blocks and the jacks.
      2. Plug in to a power outlet, to run an electric heater inside.
      3. Wifi internet.

      1. Water hookup.
      2. Common space usage.
      3. Washroom / kitchen usage

      We’re pretty self sufficient apart from stable internet, but given that solar won’t be as good over the internet, the power will help to charge devices and especially to run a heater so we don’t have to use propane non stop.

      We are both 31, non drinkers, non party animals. We’ve traveled all over the world, having lived on all continents and now we’re moving around Canada traveling slow.

      We love to cook, take about life and play boardgames.

      He snowboards and makes websites, she’s going to learn to ski and is a photographer.

      Let us know if this sounds like something you’d be interested in offering, we know about the RV resort at and might end up there month to month. Budget is 300 a month.

      We’re looking for the month of December to start, and then see for Jan Feb (we might end up doing Fernie, Kimberley and Golden a month each).

      I added two photos so you have an idea what a truck camper looks like on / off a truck.

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