ISO Room for Rent for Plant Loving Canadian!

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  • Author
    • #39773
      Amy Pringle

      I am a 21 year old female from Edmonton in search of a room for the summer. I’m looking for the end of April/beginning of May until the start of November. I enjoy hiking, mountain biking and photography. I also love plants as I am currently in school to be a horticulturalist. I have a job secured for the summer at the golf course. I lived in Fernie last year but sadly my previous roommate no longer has a room available for the year (I had to leave to go to school for the winter). I don’t smoke, don’t have any pets and am pretty quiet and easygoing (although I do love animals!). Let me know if you lovely folks have anything up for grabs!

      Thanks 🙂

    • #39810

      I have a room for rent. Please text me at 517 518 2154 to make arrangements to see the unit.

    • #39818

      Please look at my website for the Bear’s Den pictures, perfect studio for you on the hill in the middle of the wonderful nature that Fernie has to offer. It is furnished with futon, queen, kitchen, bathroom and bar b cue.

    • #44539

      hi i am living at the central, is clean and quiet for the moment because is empty just 8 personne
      i pay 500 month and winter they have 6 month deal lease
      your are welcome to come join our crew
      i am non smoker, drink socialy
      crazy about mountain bike and ski
      i am the cleaner here
      just come and reserve i live the link here
      from here you look around and take your time to find something else…
      call wendie at (250) 423-0807
      say jorge send you

    • #45601

      Hello, saw your add on looking for a room to rent, if you are still looking, I have a large room in shared accommodation available now. 625 per month, all utilities and internet included. Fully furnished well located to downtown, walking distance to CMO bus pick up. Call or text if interested 250 946 5199. Thank you.

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