HST petition SCAM

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    • #10748

      So far the HST petition has cost over ONE MILLION tax dollars, checking signitures. Out of the more than 700,000 submitted signitures, 156,500 signitures were rejected. That’s 22% of what was gathered! In signitures gathered in Vancouver-Mt.Pleasant 36% of signitures were rejected by Election B.C., who are now asking the RCMP to investigate 7 canvassers. 3 other canvassers recieved stern warnings from Elections B.C.

    • #18781

      wow. even with all those invalid signatures they still collected the minimum 10%. people sure hate the HST and the liberals who forced it down everyones throats behind closed doors.

      maybe they are also pissed off about the billions of dollars of taxation that has been shifted from big business to individuals… hmmm.. that sounds like a bigger scam to me!

    • #18783

      how much did the provincial govt (liberals) waste of our tax $$$ having a provincial election WITHOUT this devisive issue on the agenda?????? that is the millions of dollars you should be worried about.
      R.i.D. gordy campbell (rest in distress)
      nows a chance for change in the liberals……..cut the b.s. a little , eh?

    • #18782

      I figured the wildsight folk, and environmentalists would love and eat up a tax system based on consumption rather than income. Consume more ,pay more. Makes sense to me. That’s politics for you though.

    • #18784

      You got it mikes. More hypocritical behaviour. I am actually getting tired of it. Goes like this… "live in high density, you know smart growth. It does not matter that I live in a detached home/acreage/hobby farm. Second homes are evil, it does not matter that I have a place in the interior, at the lake, or over seas. We need to create dense walkable communities, even though I drive my kids to school, hockey, skiing, dance, soccer etc." The best line I heard lately as an excuse for this behaviour was, "Because I can." That is the type of thinking that runs rampant amongst those that want to socially engineer society.

    • #18785

      Mtn RAt, A couple of comments relative to your post:

      Society is becomming Urban, the life style you refer to is in decline

      Society is "socially engineered" by governments and private groups. Virtually all law and governance has the effect of changing behavior and can be considered "social engineering" to some extent.

      What is your point relative to the HST?

    • #18786

      how did you manage to pull wildsight into this exactly? Wildsight has never taken any position on the HST.

      I personally collected a few HST signatures, even though I think the HST has alot of merit. What I disagreed with was the loss of PST exemptions on numerous things that were meant to encourage healthy and sustainable actions. Like bikes, ski passes, fitness programs and items that people can use to increase the efficiency of their homes.

      And I totally agree with the concept of taxing consumption. But the HST exempts businesses from that model.

    • #18787

      "Like bikes, ski passes, fitness programs"

      The companys supplying those demands were paying PST to produce them, and they were passing that PST cost onto us. It was just hidden. The HST eliminated the hidden tax passed onto to the consumer.

    • #18788

      Mikes, you stated that, "The HST eliminated the hidden tax passed onto to the consumer."

      The problem with that theory is that prices did not decrease, businesses did not pass the saving onto the consumer.

      The consumer is being screwed by business and government…social engineering in it’s purest form!

    • #18789


    • #18790

      yep. my ski pass price went UP even before HST was applied

    • #18791

      Good thing you get such a fat HST Tax Credit.

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