Park Place Lodge

For Rent – Fully furnished single bedroom

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    • #12652

      For Rent – Fully furnished single bedroom in a quiet, two-bedroom clean and comfortable home.
      15 minute walk to downtown (or 7 min bike ride). Lots of hiking and biking trails and snowmobile access start right from our front door. Looking for a single mature long term/seasonal renter.
      Available immediately. 500$ per month includes utilities, wireless internet, cable HDTV, long distance phone calls, laundry, storage for bikes/skis, use of backyard and bbq.
      Large garage for storage. Parking spot available.
      Non smoking/no pets.
      Are you interested? Please call Sanne at 250-430-1007 or e-mail me at

    • #20549

      I am going to be working in fernie for the winter season and would need accommodation as of the 14th October 2012 until April 2013. I am a non-smoker and have no pets. This place sounds perfect, very responible and able to pay whole season upfront if needed. If the room is still available email me at
      Cheers Michael

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