Flatmate wanted

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    • #6484

      OK, so it looks like getting rentals in houses etc for the shorter term (6-8 weeks) is proving difficult, especially as I am landing in Fernie later in the season (13th Jan). Anyways, just putting out a call for other peeps in a similar predicament who are thinking they’ll be in hostel accomodation for around this time.

      I would basically like to find someone to share in twin share/private accomodation in one of Fernie’s hostels. It would therefore be in hostel accomodation, but with a bigger room, not too much like sardines like the standard 4 person room and probably with own ensuite etc. It would end up being roughly the same price as 4 share accomodation per night.

      I’m 26, work in health care in Australia and will be on holiday only (no work) for the period. I plan to hit the steeps everyday I’m there :D . I’m tidy and i reckon pretty easy to get along with.

      If anyone thinks this might work for them, drop me an email!


    • #14847

      Hey there, are you still looking for someone to share a room? I will probably be in Fernie sometime between Jan. & Feb., just waiting for approval from work. I’m not there as long as you but we might be able to split a room for the time i’m there. How do you feel about having a girl as a roomate? Let me know if you’re interested.

    • #14848

      Hi Lucy,

      Check yr PM’s :)


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