Park Place Lodge

Fire and Hope

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      Once upon a time there may or may not have been a gent by the name of Prometheus. This spitfire (pardon the pun) of a chap (demigod) had the gall to steal fire from the Gods and give it to humans: Thus was born the Olympic Flame.
      This February, after traveling the long distance from Olympia, Greece, the Olympic Torch will bring us together for the 2010 Olympiad… Funny how a flame, first lit in a world so much smaller than the one we know today, can still bring a world together. Yes, the games are about competition, about besting your best, and showing the world all you have to give. But there’s something more: the unshakeable belief – nay – the unshakeable knowledge that we each (countries and individuals alike) have something invaluable to share: Determination, Strength… and Hope. The Olympics are the perfect example of what hope has the power to do. But don’t be fooled- hope alone cannot bring success. The determination and strength brought forward by the individuals is what creates a stronger whole.
      Our numbers are in and we are strong РThe contributions raised for UEnd projects this past season from our OneYoga through to our Give Up A Gift campaigns totaled over $170,000.00. Money alone may not buy hope, but the determination of those who contributed, and the strength of our partnerships to deliver on projects, means that we lit up a whole lot of our own Hope this season. Thank-you so much – all of you – for everything that you have done and continue to do to spread the word and the hope that, together, we can change the world for good.

      – Leonie

      More than a seasonal affair…

      Scenario One: “It’s time for a team-building exercise!” РWords that prompt the not-stifled-quickly-enough sigh (of either relief or dismay). These activities often take place over one afternoon or morning, a brief interlude from your computer screen, and far too frequently leave one feeling ever so slightly… placated. Can a solid team truly be built over a few choice hours? Likely not. So give this a whirl: Bring your office together by affecting definitive change in the world. Sound big? It is. Are you big enough for it? Prove it! Chose a UEnd project to help bring to fruition – as a group. It’s something you can start in one afternoon and build from there: True team-building.

      Scenario Two: Movies. Clothes. Jewelry. CDs. Wine. Games. Toys. Doodads. Etc, etc, etc. Now, what do these all have in common? Exactly. They’re common. Want to give an original gift? Give the gift of giving. Birthday? Wedding? Anniversary? Create a catalyst for change.

      Scenario Three: Be the catalyst. Treat yourself!

      UEnd. Poverty can be eradicated. Come together, share, and act… all year ‘round.

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