Park Place Lodge

Fernie’s Downtown Junkyard

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    • #10825

      Check out these pictures of heaps of wood, metal, rubber and plastic, the decrepit vehicles and industrial equipment, the concrete rubble, rebar and construction waste in Fernie’s downtown junkyard. All of this is visible from 901 Fernie and located behind Overwaitea. … nJunkyard#

    • #18885

      Those pictures brought back alot of memories. My friends and I learned how to smoke and drink beer in that junk yard. There even used to be sketchy portable living quarters thing there (might still be there) where you could bring your girlfriend for a little romance on lunch break. We should declare it a Fernie heritage sight, build a path thru it, maybe a couple benches and those neat little information boards that can explain the history of the junk.
      I’m just kidding. Lets clean it up and build more affordable housing. I think first on the list shoud be having the 901 guys get the old soccer field back in shape. Even with the new development it looks like we’re taking steps backwards down there.

    • #18886

      Hey, why not make the parking lot gravel like the Veneto project…that seems like the classy thing to do. Build homes for eldery and special needs and give them unsturdy ground with no way of properly plowing in the winter so they can fall and injure themselves! Good luck getting that cleaned up, it is someones private property thats classified industrial.

      As far as the soccer field goes, as of last October or so thats the next big plan in parastones development.

    • #18887
      david r gildea

      To even put a post on saying the road and parking at Veneto is going to be just gravel displays an ignorance beyond belief, wait a couple of weeks to see the transformation before shooting your mouth off, what is it about idiots in this town who engage thier mouth before thier brain.

    • #18888

      Sorry Mr Gildea, but i am an owner of a home right behind this project. I went to every city council meeting I could attend and during these meetings (last Sept) it was stated that this parking lot will be kept as a gravel lot to save money and every person at the meetings can attest to that. If this has changed then my appologies but to my knowledge the lot is not going to be paved in order to penny pinch . Please do tell me about these ignorant idiots shooting their mouth off before their brain, David. Thanks


    • #18889

      I like the idea of turning it into a historic park; we should make a little walking trail thru there with signs that read about the junk. I’m sure just about everyone who went to school there has a few stories. We could add it to the existing "Downtown Historic tour"…. Isn‚Äôt that what we do around here when things get shabby looking, call it historic then throw a ridiculous price tag on it…

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