Fernie folks rock

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    • #6166

      While the powder was much appreciated yesterday, help from some kind locals was even more! My car was stuck twice yesterday and both times locals rushed to my aid. I just want to say thanks to Deserae from Beautiful Reasons and three kind Fernie gents up at the ski hill. If you read this, I was serious about that beer at the Brickhouse!

    • #14602

      Speaking of the Brickhouse, So far great reviews from friends. I am excited and happy to hear people sayin, “It’s my new favorite.”

      I personally havent been yet, but plans next weekend are Defenitely scheduled around the newest licenced establishment. I am currently listening to some Cat Stevens. Any requests?

      Fernie is not just a town anymore, as valleygirl has been perceptive enough to address. Fernie is an overall attitude, of outgoingness and empathy. IE. If it was my vehicle stuck, would someone not help me. I am always happy to read good news and views in the Fernie forums. Thanks for makin my Saturday Valleygirl. I missed out on cartoons this morn, but such a great example of locals helping others out is what keeps are small town a small town, and me smiling alike.

      Oh baby baby its a wild world. Its hard to get by with upon a smile……
      But if you want to leave, take good care. I hope you meet alot of nice friends out there. Just remember theres alot of bad everywhere…..

      We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun. But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time……….
      We had joy we had fun we had seaons in the sun. But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone…..
      We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun. But the stars that we could reach were just star fish on the beach….
      :lol: :roll: :lol:

    • #14603

      My boyfriend was one of the “gents” that helped you out yesterday, valleygirl, and you’re right, that is just what Fernie people do, help each other out (we do get pretty used to pushing cars out every winter too, eh!) Glad the guys were able to give you a hand!

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