FAR….count me out!!
- This topic has 21 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 2 months ago by
November 24, 2005 at 5:13 pm #5957
ParticipantI just went online to check out the lift ticket prices for FAR (Fernie Snow Valley) and….what the hell? “A surcharge will be added during peak times” Oh FAR… Can I please pay more to stand in lift-lines longer? Please?? That hill gets worse every year. I wish all you who come to work, play, and party in Fernie every year could’ve experienced the hill 10 or 15 years ago when Heiko ran the joint. Sure, it was smaller and more quite but that’s what made it great. FAR should show the locals and seasonals the respect they deserve, cut em’ a deal…let em know that the hard work and hospitality they show the many tourists every winter is appreciated. I grew up in Fernie and come back to visit fam and ski every year… mostly I’m in the back-country but I usually put 5 or 6 days in at the hill. Not this year…they’ve gone too far! Take my advice, spend those hundreds (or thousands) of dollars you were gonna put into lift tickets on some top-notch avi training, and head to the back-country!
P.S. I’m not an angry person….really
November 25, 2005 at 1:14 am #14247
ParticipantWell put.
After last year, FAR needed to encourage as many people as possible to come back, not make it harder. We are now more expensive than Whistler…go figure. Yeah, as locals we know that we are better than Whistler, but how do we convince the punters when they are booking? The seriously lower number of seasonals that are here so far says a lot…homeowners are dropping rents, businesses can’t find staff, accommodators are all down on bookings (I have spoken directly to at least six, including two highway motels, One of the bigger accommodators on the hill (not FAR), and several B&B owners).
I chose not to buy a season pass this year, as I object to the reduction in days on the midweek pass. I would have been okay with a slight increase in price, that’s normal, but don’t give me less product than before. I will buy a Louise card, because I can’t cope with the idea of no skiing, expecially when I live on the best mountain in Canada, but I will use it for 7 days and then throw it in the garbage, and any other days I ski will be on donated snow checks. I know of several other people who are doing the same…
This is hurting the entire town. Would love to hear a FAR mgmt view on this, if any of you are reading…
November 25, 2005 at 1:47 am #14248
ParticipantWow. FAR went too far.
That may be the biggest load of garbage yet. I sent an email asking about it but no response. Go figure.
November 25, 2005 at 3:48 pm #14249
ParticipantCouldn’t agree with you guys more, it would be interesting to see how many fewer season passes rcr sold. I know so many people from the valley that have given up on skiing here that it is incredible that it does not make a financial difference to the bottom line (season pass sales) I tell everybody that they have to e-mail the head office and let them know, everybody has to complain, and if they dont listen, everybody has to lead with their pocket book and start touring, it’s just as fun, but fewer runs..
I have found Andy (the GM?) to be excellent at responding via e-mail about any concerns that i have e mailed them, and i am sure that they are getting sick and tired of hearing from me,
Boycott RCR, money is the only thing that talks
November 25, 2005 at 6:03 pm #14250
ParticipantI wish I hadn’t bought my pass so quickly this spring. I think you are right that people will stop buying passes. Especially if they have another season or two like last year. Last year’s weather damaged FAR’s reputation a bit, but everyone’s entitled to a bad year. If it happens again, there may be more effect.
Where do you find email addresses to reach specific people? The only one I found on the webpage was info@
November 26, 2005 at 1:15 am #14251
ParticipantMy plan for the year is to ski at Castle Mountian Mid Week Pass going for under 300 http://www.castlemountainresort.com/tickets.html
Also I ll be making day trips to kicking horse and other non RCR hills
November 27, 2005 at 7:48 am #14252
Todd W.
Participantcouldnt agree with you more, rcr is destroying an amazing town. I am simply amazed at the damage it has done in a short time. This year it has gone too far. I would recomend to anyone planning a trip here to think again. if you are coming for the skiing and dont mind spending 500 bucks a day, go ahead, if your coming for the service, think again. R.C.R dosn’t care about you, how many bathrooms do they supply on the mountain (1). to me it dose not make sense that they can charge more than whistler and offer nothin comparable. All R.C.R dose is offer less for more each year. Please do your part and stop supporting R.C.R
December 5, 2005 at 4:08 am #14253
ParticipantI feel that this is getting a little out of hand. I may not agree with all of the decisions that RCR, or any company makes, but I have to say that slamming them on a web forum is not the best move. Tourists check these websites all the time when deciding where to go & stay. Seeing this bickering is not helping our situation. We as a community, need to encourage people to come to Fernie and not give them a reason to go somewhere else. Tourists are extremely important to our economy, and many people in town are employed by the tourist industry.
If you have a complaint with RCR, put it in their comment box. Also, be careful about stating facts – get your information straight. People out there are listening to your so called facts and telling others. After reading your posts, I was appalled, then I checked out the Whistler website, and here are the facts:
Whistler Blackcomb day tickets are $70-$75 per day (Fernie is $64), and they also raise their rates over peak periods. Not saying it isn’t expensive, but in the ski industry – everything is expensive.
And for those of you encouraging other people to go touring – I bet you’ll be singing a different tune when all of your usual spots are poached by your newly converted backcountry skiers.
December 5, 2005 at 6:22 am #14254
ParticipantI couldn’t agree more. Being a local, I can’t say that I like paying higher prices for snowboarding, but I can say that I have noticed the positive impact that tourism, fueled mostly by our ski hill, has had on our little town. Growing up, I wasn’t so sure that I would be able to remain in Fernie if I wanted to do something other than work at a mine forever. But now more and more opportunities are becoming available and I am managing to keep myself afloat doing other things. Another thing to take into consideration is that perhaps the people running the ski hill know a little bit more about how to run a ski hill than most of us. I’m sure if they thought that raising their prices would stop a significant amount of people from coming, they wouldn’t have done it. And incase you all haven’t noticed, prices go up for everything, everywhere, all the time. Did you seriously think that you yould be able to ski for $20 a day forever?
Fernie is an awesome town with awesome things to do. If I’m gonna spend $64 a day, I would rather spend it on a day on our mountain than blow it on alot of things that would be far less satisfying. -
December 8, 2005 at 12:04 am #14255
ParticipantI have been a local Fernieite for more than twenty years and have always heard people bickering over costs. Welcome to reality I remember when a person could bring an empty soda can into a corner store and recieve five candies. Now a days a person would need five cans to get one candy, nevermind the tax. A loaf aof bread was less than a buck 4 years ago. Negative tones and words draw negative attention. A ski hill the size of ours obviously needs money in order to not only operate but improve. I wish that some of these people who are considering themselves as locals would stop, count to ten and look around you. The comfort created by the mountains all around us and a priceless view and experience. How many people come to our beautiful Valley as visitors and leave bitching about prices? Line ups? ANSWER: None. I strongly hope that their attitude is positive and their memories are great. Maybe one of the empty buildings on second ave should be renovated into a rubber room for all you anti local and anti tourism people. To the rest of you I say Welcome. Enjoy your stay and hope to see you again soon.
December 8, 2005 at 6:47 am #14256
Participant"canatedian":1djazcgh wrote:How many people come to our beautiful Valley as visitors and leave bitching about prices? Line ups? ANSWER: None. [/quote:1djazcgh]Ha! I’ve worked a couple of seasons at the hill and I’ll tell you that pleanty of people bitch about these things.
I think the point is that while prices continue to increase, the service remains exactly the same, or in some opinions, declines. Generally when companies raise costs to customers its to improve services and facilities.
Fernie would still be flourishing without RCR. Its a nasty company and I roll my eyes at it. And at you.
December 8, 2005 at 11:49 pm #14257
ParticipantAll you haters out there, suck it up. Seems like every local (Local?…I wonder which) thinks they should ski for free or for highly discounted rates. Does anyone have any idea of the costs of running a business that has less than a 4 month window to make money….remember, the old ski hill owner went bankrupt!!! Try to ride the lifts then.
If you don’t like it speak with your feet. Season’s passes at Ski Smithers are a mere $665 and you won’t be bothered by RCR there. Oh, but you will have to accept there are only 300 skiable acres compared to 2500 at FAR.
I do not agree with much of what RCR decides to do and I don’t understand the reasons behind their decisions. I say suck it up, realize that FAR is NOT a community ski hill any more and that all of us poor folks living in paradise eeking out a living are NOT their market! That is the facts folks. If you don’t like it, leave Fernie and go to the big city, earn a good living working in a office cubicle and you can afford the pass! If you don’t want this then buy some skins or snowshoes and start hiking up!
You wanna play, you gotta pay. See if RCR cares if you don’t buy a season’s pass.
Now, RCR sort some sh*t out and get some services on the mountain! One day they may figure out that the negative words of us locals will have an influence on the long run. Maybe. For now I am just tired of people complaining about the same stuff. You can always leave if you don’t like it. Meanwhile, catch me if you can, I will be riding the lifts with a smile on my face in 40 hours from now! Go Griz go!
December 9, 2005 at 1:12 am #14258
ParticipantHere, here Lizardrider.
I have heard the same old song since I moved here four winters ago about RCR and it’s just got to stop.
It’s time to recognize that you have no control over what RCR does or does not do – and dare I say it, you never will. When local people complain about the resort, it generates a snowball effect. Negativity breeds negativity.
What I guess I’m saying is that yes, it is very frustrating that there is no bathroom on the Timber side (I have cursed my way down to the bottom a few times), but my livelihood and my very existence in this town is tied to FAR in one way or another, and the bottom line is the experience of skiing or boarding there is phenomenal, we are all lucky to live here – and have it at our doorstep. If we continue to bash our bread and butter we’re only hurting ourselves.
I’m excited for the day when the constant references to “before RCR” start fading and people are focused on the future and all of the potential greatness (and current greatness, for that matter) of this beautiful place. Think about all the people you know who have basically their entire lives (i.e., a mountain of debt from their business or home) riding on this town. We need positive energy people!
December 12, 2005 at 11:50 am #14259
ParticipantFACT: (in my opinion!) Fernie is the best ski hill in North America, it has the best slopes, best snow loveliest people and best views (okay, maybe not best views but pretty damn impressive)
FACT: (in everyone,s opinion) RCR suck and they deserve all the bashing they get. They have already gone bust once, which is why the hill is now owned by an oil baron, not the guy from before who knew about pretty much nothing (and I dont mean Heiko) and definately not someone who knows about skiing.
FACT: (from world example) “Letters to your MSP” (the hill/RCR) do not work – public action works, and only when their figures are down (and they will be) will the actually pay any attention to us.
Pain is gain – it might hurt, but we have to do something.
Happy skiing wherever you do it!!, -
December 14, 2005 at 5:02 pm #14260
ParticipantI skied Sushine for the first time in 4 years. The ticket price was like $63. Comparible to Fernie. Sunshine doesn’t even compare to the challenging terrain Fernie has. They do open earlier and stay open later but that’s just cause Fernie doesn’t have the elevation Sunshine has. Not saying Sunshine was terrible but it is flat for the most part. And as for development and amenities, it has the same dated amenities. Which I don’t really mind at a ski resort.
Fernie 1 Sunshine 0
Next report is Kicking Horse.
December 16, 2005 at 1:55 am #14261
miguel lingo
ParticipantBeen lurking here for awhile first time post.
I remember the first time I heard about Fernie I was @ Schweitzer 1994 and overheard a few people talking about the place (+++++). Well the following year a few of us from Florida decided to see it for ourselves. Well everything we heard was right on and then some including the VALUE and EMPTY slopes. So every year up until 2003 we would spend a couple days @ Big Mt. and then go to Fernie.
The word is out!! Big TIME!!
As much as I enjoy FAR I just can’t justify spending the $$. I have read about the lift prices and service @ the hill, but what about the prices for eating drinking and sleeping (resturants,motels ,etc.) I really don’t see how the locals can afford to live there. I mean we are talking mostly a service (tourist) industry. what 8-12 bucks an hr!!?? for the avg joe?
I read on Craigs report just yesterday someone bragging about $14 nachos?!?! $4-7 for a mug of draft beer yikes even with the exchange rate that is alot of CAKE. And yes I have had the nachos and you get alot,
but they are still just nachos.I can afford to pay for it, but as much as alot here will not acknowledge there are “Bigger and Better Fish to catch” and they are right in your backyard. I won’t name names here just explore a little.
I’m sure to get slammed here,but I have no hard feelings for FAR or the locals and I would love to visit again soon, but not until things get a little more realistic including the herds on the slopes nowadays. Lets face it you can’t really sleep in like you used to..get to the hill after 11 am and you may as well go home.
Hope this Winter is better than last. Happy Holidays!! -
December 16, 2005 at 7:51 pm #14262
ParticipantThat’s a interesting point of view. You should send that to RCR.
December 16, 2005 at 11:52 pm #14263
December 17, 2005 at 2:02 am #14264
miguel lingo
ParticipantYou know the tough part about missing out on Fernie is trying to convince my wife there are better places to board. She really digs that place!
December 17, 2005 at 6:48 pm #14265
ParticipantI remember years ago, when Murray first bailed out Chuck, and everybody in town was kind of wondering what this new “owner” was going to bring to the table here in Fernie..
I was having a beer on the deck at the griz bar and i met some old Alberta rancher, this guy said that he knew Murray very well and told us all that Murray only cared about money and that if we thought things were bad now under Charlies rule, we had seen nothing yet…. He said, (and i am sure that this was only his opinion, like everything else expressed on this site) that Murray would bleed this place dry, not give a shit about the locals and run the ski hill just like an oil well… He actually said that Murray would probally break the company up and sell it in pieces eventually.
No offence, but i am sure that Murray has more millions than ski days…
p.s. I love Fernie, i think the ski hill rocks, and i think that there are still ALOT of excellent people working up there, and with RCR, I just wish that profit wasnt the only incentive behind this corporation,
To Griz-Boy… I loved your report on Sunshine, this is an excellent idea you have here, I wait in anticipation to see how Fernie fares against the rest of the resorts in your poll….
December 18, 2005 at 1:57 am #14266
miguel lingo
ParticipantIn search of snow last year my wife and I ended up in Golden. The snow on the top 1/2 of the hill was good and for the 3 days we were there it snowed up top. With over 4000 vert we got our fair share of fun up top.
Terrain is as SICK as it gets! I’m not a pro by any means but that place seemed real extreme. Would like to see this place after a good dump!! The resturant on top has a killer menu thats a little pricey but worth every bite!! More reanonable in town. Funny thing, we met a few people there from Fernie.
Now as far as infastructure (Golden) the place has a way to go,It doesn’t have the Fernie charm to it if you know what I mean. Place reminds me of one big truck stop!
Plenty of places to stay and eat.There is a (Gentlemans) club in town that has some pretty good drink specials. I think Mondays ?? New meat Mondays !?! something like that.
Overall the hill rocks and the terrain is sick sick sick! The town (nightlife) ahh its ok at best.
Value?? yea, I’ll be there in a few weeks!
last year we went to nelson,red,kicking,and big. All great places as far as I’m concerned.
Seems like things in Nelson are a little more pricey then in the past,but still a very cool place hang.
Been thinking about Castle for a couple of years now and was wondering what the town of Pincher Creek was like? If anyone here has any comments I would appreciate it.
Looks like the weather might cooperate this coming week! Cheers all -
December 18, 2005 at 3:11 am #14267
ParticipantJust in reply to the Pincher Q.. It’s definately not something to write home about. Thats about all I can say about that
But Castle is supposed to be good..
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88.2 in | 251.6 in |

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