Park Place Lodge

Entertainment and stores( Locals please tell me)

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    • #5175

      I am going to move to fernie in may but I wanna know what type of stores there are in town. I want to know can I rent movies, and is there a beer store in the area. And is there a place I can buy tvs and video games. If someone could tell me what type of stores there are please do so.
      thnx Jake

    • #12870
      czar from afar

      Fernie is a town of 5,000 year-round residents.

      You will be able to meet all of your daily needs with the stores in town. There are 2 (really 3) main grocery stores, for instance, each of which are huge and modern. You will be able to completely outfit your home with Fernie stores, though the culture seems to be to leave your big-ticket items to the tax-free haven of Alberta stores that are 1-2 hours away.

      To give this some context, I live in downtown Toronto where options are endless and, frankly, I prefer shopping at a few of the cool Fernie shops (like the cool hardware store or the Polar Peak bookstore on 2nd).

      The Fernie Chamber of Commerce website (, (, or Fernie eStreet ( might be able to give you some idea of more specific stores and services.

      Good idea moving there.

    • #12871

      We have a McDonalds, a Tim Hortons and a few Ski shops. What more do you need?

    • #12872

      Oh ya, we have the Fernie Brewery to meet your beer quota.

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