Dear Cindy Corrigan: "I’m so sorry" is much more appropriate

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    • #8723

      Shouldn’t there have been some compassion? Not to impressive from the mayor of Fernie.


      7 bodies recovered in B.C. avalanches
      By Shannon Montgomery, THE CANADIAN PRESS
      December 29, 2008

      Cindy Corrigan, mayor of Fernie, said the men should not have attempted to snowmobile in the area on Sunday. The Canadian Avalanche Centre had issued an advisory that day warning of dangerous conditions and the strong possibility of natural and human-triggered avalanches.
      "The conditions that we’ve got in the last few days are so severe that it’s a shame they decided to go into the backcountry," Corrigan said.
      "You would just hope that people listen, but everyone has their own mind and their own will and they’ll do as they please. That’s a shame because this type of weather and this type of snow – everyone knows it’s just a bad combination."

    • #16696

      I honestly can not believe she said that. She is supposed to be a voice for Fernie. What she said was completely wrong and offensive in so many ways!

    • #16697

      I agree that she should have shown at least an attempt at compassion, but she also stated the truth. Most of these guys lived their entire lives here in the valley and probably knew that the conditions were dangerous but went anyway (I mean, with all the fresh powder is’s hard to resist!). I really feel for their families, and especially for the 3 that made it out, but had to leave the others behind due to the severity of the danger. As the mayor, she should have been a bit (ok a LOT) more sympathetic, but I think this has been a huge reality check for the rest of the valley that we are not immune to danger and avalanches just because we are young or because we think it won’t happen to us.
      I’m truely sad about what happened and I wish that it hadn’t happened, but we all need to take a step back and second guess some of our own decisions about what we do this winter. Let’s play hard, but play safe.

    • #16698

      It isn’t relevant whether they were right or wrong being in avalanche terrain on Sunday, she should have expressed sympathy and left it at that. There is nothing to be gained by judging their actions, and it can only hurt the innocent people they left behind to judge the actions. You would hope that someone who believes she has what it takes to be a mayor would know that. The Sparwood mayor has handled the situation very well.

      FYI, the avalanche bulletin which keeps getting mentioned in the news which raised the forecast hazard to "high" was not issued until 4 pm that day, after the avalanche occurred.

    • #16699

      The truth at this point may be obvious, but it does not need to be stated. We live in this valley, these are our winter sports, we all know the risks, but we live here for a reason. I myself had a few friends in avalanches last year, this is where we live, this happens, but it does not mean we shouldn’t show compassion. The whole Elk Valley is at loss due to this horrible event. This sends down a ripple effect to the families, their loved ones, the mines where the majority of them worked. Everyone I’m sure either knows these men personally or knows someone who does. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the families.

    • #16700

      yeah, id cut her a break, sometimes people speak their minds before they have sat down to think about the proper way to respond… i am SURE she feels this tragedy like everyone else….

    • #16701

      People say bad things when bad things happen. This is not the time for this. Let the community grieve. Give them respect, support, space – but not bitching. Let it lie, at least for now.

    • #16702

      I believe Cindy just said what a lot of people were thinking, yes its a tragedy what has happened but common if your a local or even if your not you could tell conditions were bad, Common sence people, common sence.

    • #16703

      You can’t even spell sense!

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