Park Place Lodge

>>Couple seeks unfurnished home in Fernie

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    • #9323

      We are a young respectful, professional couple that is seeking a 2-3bdrm home in Fernie. We currently live in Sparwood and have for a year, but would like to move to Fernie so it would be easier for her to get to work. Im a welder and have a stable career in the area and we both know how to look after a house. We are very clean, non-smokers and don’t currently have any pets. We have all our own furniture so we definately would like to have something un-furnished. If you have anything that might be of interest let us know and we can talk.

      Thanks for your consideration, we are awaiting your replies!


    • #17202

      I have a 2 bedroom house for rent in downtown Fernie.
      Please call if you are interested in looking at it.
      250 423 6674

    • #17203

      We have a three bedroom half duplex in the annex for rent. Looking for a single or couple, non smoker, no pets. The place is clean and bright, has dishwisher, washer, drier, ensuite. 1000 per for a long term lease share utilities.

      We have a suite in the basement, we use weekends and hollidays. Looking for good neighbours.

      My wife is in Fernie until tomorrow, we will be back next week if you would like to view. Give us a call, 250 423 4753 in fernie, 403 2598680 in Calgary.


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