Park Place Lodge

China invests in Alberta’s "Dirty Oil"

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    • #9550

      China is the perfect partner for Alberta. Neither have values other than money and materials. The environment, society and health are a distant second.

      Congratulations Alberta on keeping your greed and selfishness flowing.

      And the dirty money will continue to trickle to Fernie.

    • #17404

      that is all planed , as now the U.S.A can rightfully invade Canada to say it is protecting its interest, silly Canada fell right into the greedy little game, We need a good war in North America to kick start the econ. And the Americans are just the right hicks to start it

    • #17403

      where do you think all the coal goes from the mines around here?

    • #17405

      If it wasnt china buying us we’d be selling to someone else. I also wonder about the dirty oil …sure its not he best way to produce it ,but on the other hand…Are we just going to pull all of this green energy out of a hat and have all of these green jobs out of no where? *Bottom line is it all takes money, no matter how we look at it. If the oil sands were shut down where do all those people work after that? How will we get enough money from taxes to build wind turbines and hydro dams and what ever else to support our needs for energy, after masses loose jobs?, not that lots havent lost jobs as it is. If we can’t sell it were pretty well screwed, because the only one really close enough to supply to would be the states, and thier money is just printed money now with nothing to back it up. I guesse what im getting at is the fact that yes oil sands are bad but where will those people work if it goes under?
      I may be tottaly misinformed and I wouldnt mind learning more so if you have some good info or links Please PM them to me

    • #17402

      Greenpeace calls Alberta’s oilsands extraction project the biggest industrial project on the planet, occupying an area the size of England. A recent Greenpeace report projected the oilsands greenhouse gas emissions could soon more than triple to 140 million tonnes a year, making them equal to that of Belgium, a county of 10 million. The project is also criticized for local environmental degradation and the destruction of boreal forest.

    • #17406

      ‘H2Oil’ Tears up the Tar Sands … ign=121009

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