Park Place Lodge

Childrens ski lessons

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    • #8567

      Does anyone know if there is an alternative to the RCR ski lessons. We will be in town for 10 weeks, from the UK, and phoned them to ask about ski lessons and to see if there was a discount if we blocked booked numerous sessions, to which they answered NO!!! it would be the same daily rate which was a total rip off.

      Are there any ski clubs etc that take kids up n the hill for a reasonable rate?

      Can’t believe locals would pay the RCR rates. We have his lift pass paid for already.

    • #16554

      Talking to a guy who’s been in Fernie for the past 30 years….according to him, locals don’t pay those prices! Locals haven’t skiied here since Heiko sold the hill….2 owners ago! Good luck finding lessons. Maybe you’ll find someone privately.

    • #16555
      czar from afar


      I share your pain, as I went through the same issue last year.

      The Fernie Alpine Ski Team has a very good club.

      The club has launched some awesome skiers, most noteably Olympian and World Cup victors Emily Brydon and Nancy Green. They seem to work with all ski levels, and it might make sense for your long stay.

      I hope this works for you.

    • #16556

      It all depends on the age of the children.

      Last season they did sell an unlimited group lesson pass for children aged between 5 and 12 but it wasn’t really advertised. I understand they are offering it this season as I believe it is in their current brochure. Based on last seasons offering the pass should be around $550 plus tax, can be used any day 10 – 12:30 and 1:30 – 4, only valid for group lessons and cannot be used for daycare or camps.

      You will have to contact RCR or look at this seasons ski lessons brochure to check if it is offered this season as they never put it on the website and make sure you ask for the "Unlimited pass".

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