Canadian Ski Patrol Recruiting!

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    • #5369

      :!:[b:157netx7][color=#0a51a1:157netx7][u:157netx7]We are now recruiting new patrollers for this season[/u:157netx7][/color:157netx7][/b:157netx7] :!:
      [color=#ff0000:157netx7]If you would like to find out more visit our website If you’re interested e-mail us…or of course you can just reply to this post! :) Training begins on Saturday September 18th, upstairs at the Bank of Nova Scotia Send us a messsage if you’re interested or want any more info.[/color:157netx7]
      [color=#0a51a1:157netx7][b:157netx7]8) Hope to see you there! 8)[/b:157netx7][/color:157netx7]

    • #13205

      I’d like to draw everyone’s attention to a question and answer session with the Canadian Ski Patrol system in Fernie. This is a chance to get out and meet us and ask some questions face-to-face rather than reading our website. We have two nights scheduled for this, September 9 and 17 from 7-9pm. You can find us at the Blue Toque in the Fernie Arts Station. There
      will be some handouts on what it costs, what we get, expectations etc. Training starts on Saturday, September 18, so please drop in and see us.

      Thanks – Ski you real soon!

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