Park Place Lodge

2 bedroom suite for rent

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    • #6004

      Bottom floor of a beautiful new downtown home for rent. Includes 2 bedrooms, bathroom, private entrance, garage storage, computer with internet access (just need to buy yourself a $20 cable to hook to our router). Some shared kitchen facilities with us on the main floor but we have put a fridge, micorwave and possibly dishwasher in the basement so with a bit more work (hot plate or toaster oven) it could be a contained suite! Phone not included.

      Avaliable Jan 1st-ish to March 31st. Willing to rent one room only and keep the other for guests (yours or ours). Only responsible, non-smoking, employed (or independently weathly) individuals with 1/2 month’s rent for deposit please.

      Give us a call @ 423-2603.

    • #14386

      rented – thanks

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