1993 cutlass supreme

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    • #8991

      1993 Cutlass supreme
      165000 KM, Automatic, 3.1 L V6, Well maintained gets about 27 MPG highway.
      We were the second owners. It was previously owned by an elderly woman in Canmore. We bought it in August 2007 to use for the winter season and heading home soon to Ontario. We’d like to keep it, its just a long drive… and we’d rather not drive if we don’t have t
      We have driven it from Fernie to Victoria and back as well as a 3 trips to Calgary and one to Banff/Lake Louise and all season with no trouble
      Asking $2200 OBO
      Call 250 423 7852 (ask for Rob or Steph)
      or Email Klein.aw.Rob@gmail.com

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