04/05 roll call

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    • #5463

      Hi, just thought i’d start a thread about who’s coming to fernie foir the season or for a holiday or whatever. write who you are, where you’re coming from and whatever else you decide???

      I’m Todd
      21, from sydney
      arriving in vancouver on the 1st of dec with a few mates then driving to fernie, so probly get there around the 4th-5th.
      i ride a snowboard and don’t mind a beer or two (or 16)

      can’t wait to get there and meet some locals and others and sample some of this famous pow i’ve been hearing about!! the “powder” we get in australia is more like elephant snot!

    • #13345


      I’m Nathan and i’m an alcoholic. [size=59:qm29h3dv]only kidding[/size:qm29h3dv]

      i’m 29 from Kent in the south of England, coming over with a group of about 10 people from the 6th of Feb (for two weeks)

      Can’t bloody wait!

      p.s. staying at Ragin Elk.

    • #13346

      im kendal
      I am organizing the university of regina spring break
      there will be 55 of us feb 20-25 staying at polar peaks lodges and coming down to town to booze lots.

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