
Fernie [b:3dgozhtn]IS[/b:3dgozhtn] an awesome little town. It has not [b:3dgozhtn]BECOME[/b:3dgozhtn] anything. Like everyplace around the world, Fernie is evolving and changing with the times.

If you want Fernie to stay like it was in the 50’s then you’ve got your head in the clouds, it just isn’t possible. We’ve got McDonalds, drive-thru banks, late night grocery stores, a nightclub, 4+half star resort facilities, more spas that you can count and a soon-to-be Canadian Tire (even I’m not happy about that one) but where do you draw the line? Progress is progress, and it’s all driven by cash, this is North America, not Tibet.

I am not saying that there shouldn’t be preservation of something if it was a good thing, it definately sounds like the Junior program at the golf club was a good thing that went bad. But please don’t trash our entire town and population, just because you are wound up about one little thing, that only affects less than one tenth of the people living here. There are a lot of little things in Fernie that could be better, but it is still a fantastic place to be and most of those things really don’t figure in the bigger picture.

And please don’t reply that your point was about the golf club, because you opened your post with some pretty barbed comments about Fernie as a town and community, and you have used a login of “what has Fernie become” – pretty damn negative if you ask me. You made a point about Flyingecko not being a golfer but making comments about the Golf Club, but you havn’t even visited Fernie in a year and yet you have comments about the town? Please keep to the point and don’t attack a town that a lot of people who live here still love, when you don’t even come here any more.