i have to agree with grizboy….if you are in fact a responsible renter, jessica, then why the bitterness??? no reason to take offense if you are not one of these offensive characters. another point that i tend to agree with, grizboy, is the fact that i’m sure most homeowners don’t choose to enter into mortgages just to have renters pay their mortgage. i sure don’t! we’ve had renters before (mostly friends and all pretty good) but other friends of ours have their shares of horrific experiences and choose not to rent out again…because they CAN in fact pay their own mortgage, as do my husband and i. no renters, no fuss, and i have never deferred on my mortgage and never intend to. perhaps, jessica, you wrote this in a small fit of anger and that is why it is a completely irrational post. i think you lost sight of the initial subject which was terrible renters and not “seasonal staff” and “little guy” bashing…you clearly have an incredible complex. oh and FYI…i’ve lived in fernie my entire life and before the “little guys” and “seasonal staff” came in here with the tourism boom, this town sustained itself just nicely. fernie is not just about the damned ski hill.