
Clear cuts actually help the animals. They create tons of new grasses and other fresh greens. In an old growth forest, the large trees block out the needed light killing any new green growth on the ground. Deer, bears, elk, etc. etc. need this new growth to survive. In the high country these animals depend on avalanches to clear large areas of land for new green growth, but. . . any clearing such as a clear cut. . with do.. Forest Fires also do the same sort of thing.. Now sure the bike trails seem to do less damage, but it is the large amount of people that use them that keep the animals away. Basically displacing the animals. The only reason we even have White Tail Deer in this part of B.C. is due to the heavy logging. The reason we even have these animals around is because willing to destroy other people countries to save our own. Example…….. you can’t grow wool without killing all the preditors around… We’re not willing to kill all our preditors around so we buy wool from other places willing to kill all their preditors…
And what are you doing to protect the animals of B.C.?
I belong to the Rockie Mountain Elk Foundation, Ducks Unlimited, buy a hunting licence every year, buy hunting tags every year. Which all helps to access and protect the animals of B.C. Only 12% of people who bought a elk tag last season, got an elk.