What price would you put on your legs? What are they worth? They are essential, the way you navigate the world. You perform daily tasks, you engage in activities, you go on adventures, you do everything with the help of your legs.
Grace Brulotte was born with a rare condition called Arthrogryposis, which stiffens the joints of the body and causes muscle weakness. She also has severe and life threatening Scoliosis, which adds its own set of challenges to her life. Consequently, Grace’s “legs” are not what she uses to navigate her world, but rather Grace’s wheelchair is. A wheelchair to Grace is as important to her as your legs are to you.
Grace’s current wheelchair is needing to be replaced. Unfortunately the BC government does not cover the full cost of power wheelchairs for adults with disabilities, leaving most of the crippling financial burden of purchasing a new wheelchair on the user. Due to a corrupt system, wheelchairs cost anywhere from $20,000 to $50,000. For an adult with a disability, who is only allowed to make $1000 a month through employment, purchasing the most essential piece of equipment for their life is impossible. Which is why Grace needs your help!
Grace is hoping to purchase a new wheelchair called a Permobil. This wheelchair has many design features which will vastly improve her quality of life and the way she interacts with the world. This wheelchair will cost $36,000, and the BC government will not cover the full cost. Grace is reaching out to her amazing friends and community for help. A donation to this fund will help Grace get the wheelchair of her dreams, and help her continue to live her life in a fulfilling way. Please consider helping Grace accomplish her goal, SUPPORT HERE!

About Grace – Grace Brulotte is a smiley 24 year old from Fernie British Columbia. She has Arthrogryposis in all four limbs, is a full time wheelchair user, and relies on caregivers to help her go about her day. She also has severe and life threatening Scoliosis. Despite all that Grace is a sassy and bright soul, who loves the outdoors, is an avid writer, and possesses an amazing cup collection which is also slightly an addiction…. When she was 14 she got into sit skiing, and loved it so much that when she was 16 she founded and became the president of her own adaptive skiing program, which runs at Fernie Alpine Resort. Along with continuing to run that, Grace is also the founder and president of a society called the Gracie Lou Foundation, which focuses on removing barriers to social inclusion for individuals with disabilities. What Grace is most proud of, besides her societies, is becoming the first female tandem sit skier to heliski in Canada, which happened in 2017. Grace fully believes that nothing should stop you from achieving whatever you want to accomplish, and she sets out to prove that in everything she does.