Park Place Lodge

The preliminary results of the West Fernie Servicing and Restructure petition are in and the project has received the required approval from the community to proceed.

We have been working on this project for several years and I’d like to thank everyone who took the time to participate in the process, both in favour and opposed,” said Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) Electoral Area A Director Mike Sosnowski.

Mike Sosnowski on West Fernie Dyke

Mike Sosnowski on West Fernie Dyke

As of the petition deadline, the following petitions have been received:

– Number of valid petitions received: 126 (which is 54% of the total number of properties in the proposed service area).

– Assessed value represented by valid petitions received: $32,817,873 (which is just over 50% of the total assessed value in the proposed service area).

These results are unofficial as they do not include petitions that were received by email if we have not yet received the originals. The Corporate Officer will be certifying the sufficiency of the petition on July 29 immediately after which final results will be available.

Although the final results won’t be known until July 29 when the petition is certified, the project has received enough support to move forward,” added Sosnowski.

The project consists of three distinct components:
1. Servicing: Providing/improving water, sewer and storm drainage services. 
2. Financing: Utilizing grants, securing additional grants and borrowing money to pay for servicing improvements 
3. Governance Restructure: Joining the City of Fernie.

The final results will be posted on For more information, contact the RDEK office in Cranbrook.

west fernie

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