Park Place Lodge

If you work or volunteer with one of the Basin’s many non-profit organizations the Trust has programs happening now that can help your organization.

The Trust Supports Non-profits because they recognize that volunteers and non-profit organizations have a high level of personal investment in the betterment of their communities.

By focusing on the basics of board purpose, board structure and board functionality these workshops will explore what questions need to be asked and what steps need to be taken to ensure resiliency within an organization as well as highlight the pitfalls that often erode passion and how to avoid them.

Through its Non-profit Advisors Program, the Trust hosts a series of webinars that could help build the knowledge and capacity of your non-profit.

Learn how to leverage impactful social media marketing strategy without taxing your team or
breaking the bank. This informative and practical webinar will cover topics such as creating a marketing strategy, understanding the different platforms, creating content and assessing your organizations goals.

The Trust is also currently offering in-person workshops for Basin non-profits in partnership with College of the Rockies and Selkirk College. These workshops are for Basin non-profits and their staff and volunteers.

The Trust is focused on the betterment of your community, take advantage of this opportunity!

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