“Think Elk Valley” is the name of the game for the Elk Valley Community Directed Funds Committee and it is seeking your input on how to best allocate $600,000 from Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) to create social and economic benefits across the region. During the month of October Elk Valley residents and stakeholders will have a number of opportunities to give the Committee feedback on how to spend the funds by identifying projects and priorities that will create benefits for all communities in the Elk Valley. These opportunities include giving input online, participating in upcoming open houses or submitting ideas in writing.

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* Elkford, Fernie, Sparwood and the RDEK Area A

“We are genuinely excited about identifying projects and initiatives that will benefit all of our Elk Valley communities,” says Committee Chair Mary Giuliano. “This is a valuable opportunity for us to learn about and collaborate on priorities that are shared by residents across the Elk Valley.”

The Elk Valley Community Priorities Plan will provide a delivery mechanism for CBT funds being administered by the RDEK through Elk Valley Community Directed Funds Committee, which is comprised of the mayors of Fernie, Elkford and Sparwood, the Director for Area A, and four community representatives. The plan will be both community directed and targeted to create benefits for the whole region instead of individual communities.

The Committee would like to hear from residents as well as those involved with key sectors in the Elk Valley, including businesses, community and public services, health, arts & culture, sports, recreation, heritage, environment, seniors and youth.

Elk Valley residents are invited to visit www.thinkelkvalley.com to learn more about the
consultation, open house schedules and how to give input online. The October 10th issue of the Free Press will include a tear-out form that residents can fill out and drop off at their local City Hall. Open house schedules will also be published and announced through local media throughout the Elk Valley next week.

For More Information on the Elk Valley Community Directed Funds Consultation:

Mary Giuliano, Chair
Elk Valley Community
Directed Funds Committee
Tel: 250.423.2233

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