The Fernie Factor escalates Fernie more than any other weather phenomenon. The hum of the town quickens, smiles abound and laughter fills the air. Why? It’s the quantity and quantity of the snow, the silence, the beauty, and the surprise!
This past week the Fernie Factor delivered close to two meters of Kootenay cold smoke blower powder and this January to date, 369cms of snow has fallen at Fernie Alpine Resort. Thanks insane, no it’s the Fernie Factor, and as usual it’s the magnitude of the snowfall that wasn’t forecast.
The Fernie Factor is a unique weather phenomenon that meteorologists have great difficulty predicting. It happens when cold Arctic air and Pacific moisture collide over Fernie and combined with with the geology of the Lizard Range, the system stalls and dumps and dumps. It produces much greater than forecasted amounts of low-density, high-quality powder snow. And it falls quietly and decorates the trees and mountains with pillows of white winter magic.
Fernie folk celebrate the beauty and softness of our Snow Valley with countless activities! Get outside and enjoy the snow, the Fernie Factor is here!

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