Park Place Lodge

Fernie Mayor Update

Darlene explained the reason that there are children suffering today is that when those abused kids became adults and had children of their own they had no idea of how to love and so the suffering continues.

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Celebrating Mining BC Week 2016

MLA Bill Bennett spoke about the selenium issue citing that a few years ago there was talk of closing down the mines in the Elk Valley to alleviate the selenium problem.

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Fernie Mayors Update

At the regular meeting of January 12, 2015 Council gave direction to “initiate a boundary extension process to increase the […]

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I Loved Fernie On Sight

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Best Wishes for a most Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to everyone.

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Fernie Volunteer Luncheon

I’m not sure that there are words adequate to describe a volunteer, except to say that volunteers are love in motion.

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Fernie’s Freedom Climb

I met Fernie resident Ramona Gliege years ago when we both were volunteering in the classroom at IDES. She exuded […]

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