#1 – Fernie Mixed Slo-Pitch Special Occasion Liquor Licence
➢ A Special Meeting of Council was held July 26th solely for the purpose of considering the Fernie Mixed Slo-Pitch League’s request for City Council’s approval and written consent to hold a Beer Garden at its July 28th and 29th Annual Windup Tournament. Council support acknowledging their request to use City of Fernie property and to serve alcohol was required for submission with the League’s Special Occasion Liquor Licence to the Fernie Liquor Store. All Council members present supported the request.
#2 – Development Variance Permits Approvals
➢ A Special Meeting of Council was held July 31st solely for the purpose of considering granting preliminary approval to Development Variance Permits (DVP) No. 168, No. 170 and No. 171. Council’s decision to hold the Special Meeting expedited the approval process for the applicants.
Development Variance Permit No. 168 applies to 1122-3rd Avenue. The DVP legalizes the siting of the existing principal building by varying the minimum side and front yard setbacks and the maximum projection into the front yard. Council gave preliminary approval for the DVP at the Special Meeting and later authorized the issuance of DVP No. 168 at the August 13th Regular Council Meeting, after fulfilling all notice requirements.
DVP No. 170 applies to 1241 3rd Avenue and seeks to vary the minimum rear yard and side yard setback. Council gave preliminary approval for the DVP at the Special Meeting and later authorized the issuance of DVP No. 170 at the August 13th Regular Council Meeting, after fulfilling notice requirements.
DVP No. 171 seeks to vary the maximum length of two proposed cul-de-sacs from the standard 150 metres to 163 and 177 metres respectively for a proposed residential development on the former CL Salvador school site. Council gave preliminary approval for the DVP at the Special Meeting and later authorized the issuance of DVP No. 171 at the August 13th Regular Council Meeting, after fulfilling notice requirements.
In addition to these three DVPs, DVP No. 169 applies to 41 Ridgemont Drive and seeks to vary the minimum front yard and side yard setbacks and further, to vary the projection of the eave into the front yard setback. Previously, Council gave preliminary approval for the DVP at the July 23rd Regular Council Meeting. Notice requirements were fulfilled and authorization to issue DVP No. 169 was subsequently given at the August 13th Regular Council Meeting.
#3 – Fernie TransRockies Society Given Council’s Support
➢ A Special Meeting of Council was held August 2nd solely for the purpose of considering the Fernie TransRockies Society’s request for local government support of their Application for a Special Occasion Licence Policy Exemption to extend the hours for serving alcohol by two hours on August 18, 2007 from 10:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight for a private event. All Council members present supported the request.
August 13, 2007 Regular Council Meeting
#1 –Voting Delegates Selected
➢ Council appointed Mayor Randal Macnair as Voting Delegate and Councillor Sarah Thomas as alternate Voting Delegate responsible for voting the City of Fernie’s interests with respect to matters involving the Municipal Insurance Association. The Annual General Meeting of the Subscribers of the Municipal Insurance Association of British Columbia, is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, September 25, 2007 in Vancouver during the annual Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) convention.
#2 – Proposed Fernie Area LUS Amendment Defeated
➢ A letter dated July 10, 2007 to the City of Fernie was received from the Regional District of East Kootenay proposing a text amendment to the Fernie Area Land Use Strategy (LUS). Currently, applications to exclude land from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) or to subdivide within the ALR should be accompanied by a report from a qualified professional, demonstrating the impact that such an application will have to the agricultural capacity of the subject parcel.
The proposed change would read: “Applications to exclude land from the ALR or to subdivide within the ALR for land which is 4.0 ha or greater in size or zoned RR-4, RR-8 or RR-60 should be accompanied by a report from a qualified professional, demonstrating the impact that such an application will have to the agricultural capacity of the subject parcel.”
Staff recommended that the current wording be retained as it is, so that the Regional Board and the Agricultural Land Commission have objective biophysical facts to consider when reviewing exclusion and non-farm use applications as they pertain to soil and climate suitability for agriculture. Council agreed with the recommendation and passed a resolution to not support the proposed text amendment.
#3 – Fernie Alpine Resort Company Picnic Supported
➢ Fernie Alpine Resort requested Council’s support to hold a company picnic on September 16, 2007 in James White Park. The company submitted an Application for a Special Occasion Licence for this private event in which they would like to serve beer, coolers and ciders. Council approved support for the application on the condition that liquor service and consumption be restricted to a temporarily fenced 50 foot by 50 foot area in a specified location and that the company complies with all other aspects of their Special Occasion Licence.
#4 – Exclusion of Land from ALR Supported
➢ Belay Enterprises Inc. requested Council’s support for its application to the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) to exclude a 49 hectare parcel of land from the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). The parcel is located south of Mount Fernie Park Road and Anderson Road and west of Highway #3 and was recently incorporated into the City of Fernie. Council supported the request and authorized staff to forward the exclusion application and other relevant materials to the ALC.
#5 – New Special Occasion Liquor Licence Policy Adopted
➢ Council approved a new Special Occasion Liquor Licence Policy which repeals the previous Special Occasion Liquor Licence Policy which was last amended in April, 1996. Provincial legislation and policy regarding Special Occasion Licenses have changed significantly since that time making the previous policy in need of updating.
The new policy reduces duplication of information required to be submitted to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch and the City of Fernie by Special Occasion Licence applicants. It is intended to clearly identify the requirements of applicants, the role of Council and City of Fernie Administration in the processing of Special Occasion Liquor Licence applications.