Park Place Lodge

1) Fire and Rescue Services Strategic Plan 2009-2018.
Mr. Rick Taylor, Results Management Services, and Chief Ivany were in attendance to provide an overview of the recently completed Fire and Rescue Services Strategic Plan 2009-2018. The purpose of the plan is to provide a goal oriented framework for the cost effective and efficient provision of fire and rescue services to the City of Fernie and contracted portions of the RDEK.
Council received the report and directed staff to review the recommendations put forward and report back to Council on the operational and financial implications of putting the recommendations into practice.
2) LGMA BC Overseas Manager Exchange Program
Council authorized and approved an application by the Chief Administrative Officer for the 2009 LGMA BC Overseas Manager exchange Program. The program matches local government managers from BC and New Zealand for the purpose of skill development, competency and knowledge enhancement to add value to future job performance.
If chosen for the exchange the Chief Administrative Officer will be expected to host the exchange manager from New Zealand for two weeks early in June.
3) Fernie Destination Marketing
Council authorized the final payment ($50,000) of three year seed funding to the Fernie Destination Marketing Organization (Tourism Fernie). The City of Fernie supported and facilitated the creation of the Fernie DMO and used City Funds to defray associated expenses on the understanding that once formed the DMO would reimburse the City for those expenses.
The Fernie DMO has since re-branded itself as Tourism Fernie and will continue to be an important contributor to the future growth and development of Fernie’s Tourism economy.
4) Regional District of East Kootenay Bylaw No. 2146 a bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 829 cited as “Regional District of East Kootenay – Elk Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 829, 1990.
Bylaw No. 2146 proposes various text amendments to the RDEK Elk Valley Zoning Bylaw No. 829, 1990 by:
➢ Replacing the definitions of “single family dwelling” and secondary suite’ and adding new definitions for ‘garage’ and ‘total floor space’;
➢ Adding a new section to the general regulations citing provisions for the establishment of secondary suites; and
➢ Adding ‘secondary suites’ as accessory uses to each zone.
Zoning Bylaw No. 829 allows secondary suites within a single family dwelling in 11 residential zones; the proposed text amendments would enable land owners to either establish a secondary suite within a single family dwelling or within a detached garage.
Council recommended approval of the proposed bylaw amendments and further gave direction to staff to prepare a zoning amendment bylaw to Zoning Bylaw No. 1750 to update and standardize the regulations as per the proposed RDEK Bylaw No. 2146.
5) Canadian Avalanche Centre
Council received the letter from the Canadian Avalanche Centre requesting the City of Fernie to join the coalition to work towards preventing further tragedies. Council will forward the correspondence to School District # 5 and to Fernie Alpine Resort for their consideration. Staff will consider the request to join the coalition.
6) Elk Valley Property Tax Sharing Agreement Authorization Bylaw No. 2066, 2008, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2009
In 2008 the City of Fernie adopted Bylaw No. 2066 which authorized entering into a property tax sharing agreement with the Districts of Elkford and Sparwood and the RDEK (representing Electoral Area A) which determines the amount of revenue to be raised for each year of agreement from property value taxes on Elk Valley Mines, determines how the revenue is shared, and how those revenues will be used.
The Agreement contemplates the addition and deletion of coal mining properties and the Districts of Elkford and Sparwood have identified Additional Properties for inclusion in their respective boundaries and the Agreement. The Agreement Amendment introduces a new clause that provisions for “transition properties’ and authorizes the repayment of any revenues remitted by the Surveyor of Taxes for taxes collected on transition properties.
Council granted first three readings to the Bylaw and it will return to the March 9, 2009 meeting for consideration of adoption.
7) Bylaw No. 2090, cited as Zoning Bylaw No. 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 91, 2009
Bylaw No. 2090 proposes to add Section 4.2.1.A R1SL – Single Family Residential Small Lot Zone to City of Fernie Zoning Bylaw No. 1750.
The intent of the proposed R1SL zone is to legalize existing small lot residential parcels concentrated in Maintown and the Annex that are typically 30 ft. x 120 ft.; 30 ft. x 90 ft.; 60 ft. x 60 ft., or 60 ft. x 45 ft. in dimension and therefore, do not meet the minimum parcel frontage and minimum parcel area requirements in R1 – Single Family Residential Zone.
Having zone regulations tailored to existing small lots will reduce the number of Development Variance application requests when landowners choose to redevelop their small lot in the future, as well existing legal non-conforming lots can be converted into legal conforming lots. It will also provide the opportunity to rezone existing larger residential lots that can be subdivided to create small lots for single family dwelling development.
Council approved first three readings followed by referral to a Public Hearing.
8) Water Smart Fernie – an educational campaign to reduce water consumption in Fernie.
Council endorsed the principle of a five year “Water Smart” campaign as a pilot in support of the City’s commitment to reduction of water consumption and referred the report submitted to the budget process to commit funds to initiate a “Water Smart” program through the City’s water fund.

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