#1 – 2007 Bear Aware Program Final Report
➢ Kathy Murray, Fernie Bear Aware Program and Delivery Specialist presented the 2007 Bear Aware Annual Report to Council. Ms. Murray thanked Council for its support and summarized the Report, highlighting its successes and challenges. The Bear Aware Program strives to reduce the potential for bear-human conflict primarily through education and public awareness.
Mayor Macnair thanked Ms. Murray for her efforts and noted that funding from the City of Fernie for next year’s Bear Aware Program is being deliberated in the current 2008 budget discussions.
#2 – 2008 Council Meeting Schedule Approved
➢ After a short presentation by the Director of Corporate Administration Services, Council approved the 2008 Council Meeting Schedule. As per the City’s Council Procedure Bylaw, Council meetings are normally held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. However, if a meeting falls on a statutory holiday it is moved to the following day (Tuesday) as will happen once in March, October and November in 2008.
It should also be noted that meetings will be on the 2nd and 5th Mondays in September in order to allow Council members to attend the annual Union of British Columbia Municipalities’ convention which is scheduled for the 4th week of September. Another noteworthy anomaly is that in December, 2008 Council meetings will be held on the first and third Monday of the month in order to allow Council to proceed promptly following the November 15, 2008 local government election.
A copy of the 2008 Council Meeting Schedule will be posted in the last two 2007 editions of the Fernie Free Press and is also available at City Hall and on the City of Fernie website at www.fernie.ca.
#3 – City’s Interests Unaffected by Proposed Regional District Bylaw Amendments
➢ The Director of Planning presented a report to Council respecting a Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) bylaw referral. The RDEK is proposing to amend the Fernie Alpine Resort Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaw and Elk Valley Zoning Bylaw as requested by Polar Peak Properties Inc.
If approved by the RDEK, the OCP bylaw change would re-designate the subject area located at Fernie Alpine Resort from Resort Recreational to Multi-Family Residential / Commercial Accommodation while the designation in the Elk Valley Zoning Bylaw would change the subject area from the RR-8, Rural Residential (Country) Zone to CG-8, Resort Commercial Zone. The bylaw amendments are required to accommodate consolidation of a 730 square metre site adjacent to land owned by Polar Peak Properties for use in conjunction with development of Polar Peak Lodges.
The report to Council recommended that Council authorize staff to respond to the RDEK indicating that the City of Fernie’s interests are unaffected by the proposed bylaws. Council approved the recommendation. As the proposed bylaws are Regional District bylaws which do not apply to land within the City of Fernie, anyone interested in more information should contact the RDEK in Cranbrook at 250-489-2791.
#4 – 2008 Acting Mayor Appointments Approved
➢ A recommendation from Mayor Macnair to Council that the annual Schedule of Appointments for Acting Mayor in 2008, was approved. Council makes annual appointments for Acting Mayor in accordance with the Council Procedures Bylaw to ensure that there is a designated member of Council to act as Mayor in the event of the Mayor’s absence or inability to perform the duties of the office.
Under such circumstances, the Acting Mayor has all the authorities to act in the Mayor’s place. The appointments help to ensure continuity and the efficient functioning of the City of Fernie.
Acting Mayor appointments for 2008 are as follows: January and February – Councillor Burke; March and April – Councillor Giuliano; May and June – Councillor Cox; July and August – Councillor Thomas; September and October – Councillor McSkimming; November – Councillor Young. New appointments for 2009 will be made after the November 15, 2008 Local Government Election.
#5 – Apology Received from City of Whitefish
➢ At the October 22, 2007 Council meeting Council passed a resolution that they would request an apology from the City of Whitefish, Montana for incorrectly stating the City of Fernie and the City of Whitefish had passed a joint resolution regarding common trans-boundary issues. At that time, Mayor Macnair of Fernie noted that the issue at hand was that another jurisdiction stated that the City of Fernie jointly issued the resolution when in fact, it did not.
An apology letter from the City of Whitefish was received at the December 10th City of Fernie Council meeting. In the letter from the City of Whitefish’s Office of the City Attorney, an apology and statement noting regret for the mistake was included, along with a copy of the resolution made by the Council of the City of Whitefish, Montana rescinding their earlier, inaccurate joint resolution. City of Fernie Council passed a resolution to receive the apology letter and to thank the City of Whitefish for their response.
#6 – Letter of Support Given to Senior Citizens Club of Fernie
➢ Council received a letter from the Senior Citizens Club of Fernie and District requesting a support letter for the Club’s New Horizons for Seniors Program Capital Assistance Funding Application. The letter explains that the Club is applying for a Government of Canada equipment grant which will help them purchase fridges, freezers and other such appliances.
Council agreed to provide the letter as soon as possible in order to allow the Club to submit it with their application prior to the December 14, 2007 application deadline.
#7 – George S. Majic Spiritus Award Presented
➢ Mayor Macnair provided a brief overview of the George Majic Spiritus Award before introducing this year’s recipient, Ms. Isabella MacLeod. The George S. Majic Spiritus Award is presented annually in December by the City of Fernie in memory of George S. Majic inspired by his family and friends in Sault Ste. Marie to a person or persons who demonstrate persistent commitment to the community through their love of Fernie. The Mayor acknowledged and thanked Ms. MacLeod’s volunteer efforts in serving the community in a variety of ways over the years. Ms. MacLeod thanked the Mayor and the community for the award.
Earlier in the day, there was an informal and well-attended award ceremony and reception held at the Fernie Heritage Library in honour of Ms. MacLeod.